Dr Yvonne Kason – Phenomenology and Impact of Kundalini Awakenings
There is comparatively little research examining the phenomenology and energetic effects of Spiritually Transformative Experiences with an energetic component, often referred to as Kundalini Awakenings. This limits our ability to understand and support individuals who have these often unexpected and powerful experiences. The Kundalini Research Network (KRN) conducted a study using an interview questionnaire to explore the nature of these experiences and their subsequent behavioural and physiological transformative effects.
This presentation will review key findings of this KRN study, including subjective feelings reported during a Kundalini Awakening, frequent triggers for the awakening, physical, psychological, and spiritually transformational changes reported after the Kundalini Awakening and other Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs) occurring later on. The full results were published in 2021: Marjorie Woollacott, Yvonne Kason, Russell Park. Investigation of the phenomenology, physiology and impact of spiritually transformative experiences – kundalini awakening. Explore, Volume 17, Issue 6, November–December 2021, pp. 525-534
About the speaker:
Dr. Yvonne Kason MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP, is the President and Co-Founder of Spiritual Awakenings International, the Past-President of IANDS, and a Founder and Past-Chair of the Kundalini Research Network. She was Chair of the Kundalini Research Network’s Questionnaire Research Project. Dr. Kason is a retired family physician and transpersonal MD-Psychotherapist, previously on the faculty at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, and an internationally renowned medical expert on Kundalini Awakenings, Near-Death Experiences, and other Spiritually Transformative Experiences. In 1990, Dr. Kason was the first Canadian medical doctor to specialize her medical practice in researching and counselling patients with diverse types of STEs. She coined the phrase “Spiritually Transformative Experiences” in 1994. Dr. Kason has published many articles and six books, her last four about Spiritually Transformative Experiences. Her most recent books are Soul Lessons from the Light: How Spiritually Transformative Experienced Changed My Life (2022), and Touched by the Light: Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences (2019).
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Yvonne KasonPresident and Co-Founder of Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI)
Dr Yvonne Kason MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP, is the President and Co-Founder of Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI), and is the Co-Leader and Co-Founder of Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group. She has had five Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), two in her childhood and three in her adult life, as well as multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs). She is the Past-President of IANDS, the International Association for Near-Death Studies (2019-2020). Dr Kason is a retired family physician and transpersonal MD-psychotherapist, previously on faculty at the University of Toronto, and an internationally renowned medical expert on NDEs and other STEs.
In 1990, Dr Kason was the first Canadian medical doctor to specialize her medical practice in the research and counseling of patients with diverse types of STEs. She has 40 years of experience counseling STE Experiencers. She co-founded the Kundalini Research Network in 1990, and later co-founded the Spirituality in Health-Care Network in 2000. Dr Kason is the person who first coined the phrase ‘Spiritually Transformative Experiences’ or ‘STEs’ in 1994.
Dr Kason has five published books, her most recent, Touched by the Light: Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences (2019). She has made hundreds of professional presentations, has given scores of media interviews, and is in demand as a keynote speaker. In 2020 she was interviewed on The Dr Oz Show, and on Coast to Coast. Dr Yvonne Kason lives in Toronto, Canada, and enjoys ‘snowbirding’ during the winter months, in Encinitas, CA.