Consciousness Perspectives Forum

Welcome to the Consciousness Perspectives Forum page of the Scientific and Medical Network. We have regular meetings with invited speakers for learning and interaction.
SMN members and non-members are warmly invited to participate. To receive information about future meetings please subscribe to the circulation list at the bottom of the page.
To view past events and their reports see buttons below.
Recordings are available free for SMN members.
Meet your Host

Claudia Nielsen PhD
I was born in Brazil and came to the UK in my twenties. Here I married, and brought up my three boys, now all grown up. Throughout my adult life I worked in a variety of industries and in my 40’s went back to Psychology – studied in Brazil – and retrained in psychotherapy, my current profession. My interests are all connected with my passion for life and living and I see human beings as an expression of a meaningful Universe. I am a Vice President of the SMN.
Forthcoming Events
Dr. David Egan – Wittgenstein and the Religious Point of View
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951) once remarked to a friend: “I am not a religious man, but I cannot help seeing every problem from a religious point… ...
Paul Kieniewicz – The Structure of Reality – a Gnostic Perspective
The physical world of atoms, molecules, stars and galaxies appears real to us. But is that world all that there is? Plato, in his allegory… ...
Gary Lachman – Who Was Hermes Trismegistus?
For centuries, the legendary figure Hermes Trismegistus – “thrice greatest Hermes” – was believed to be a real individual who, at the dawn of time,… ...
Prof Dana Sawyer – What if Aldous Huxley was spot on? Current psychedelic research supports Huxley’s ‘Perennial Philosophy’ as deeply relevant.
Based on the collaborative theory of Huxley and Humphry Osmond that psychedelic substances sometimes trigger genuine mystical experiences (including experiences of what Huxley termed the… ...
Dr. Shantena Sabbadini – Life as Act of Creation
In his rich correspondence with C.G. Jung at some point Pauli makes the following remark: “Now in physics the essential aspect of uniqueness (for which… ...
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