Meet our Team


David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA

David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA

Programme Director & Global Ambassador, Galileo Commission Chairman, Paradigm Explorer Editor

Andrew Polson, MA

Andrew Polson, MA

General Manager

Natalie Mears, MSc

Natalie Mears, MSc

Events and Community Engagement Manager, Marketing and NPN Support

Louise Livingstone, PhD

Louise Livingstone, PhD

Young Persons Support Administrator

Sonia Kolasińska

Sonia Kolasińska

Marketing Manager

Support Staff

Nikolay B Petrov, PhD candiate

Nikolay B Petrov, PhD candiate

Content Manager for the Galileo Commission, Recordings Editor

Jena Axelrod

Jena Axelrod

Events Marketing Assistant, Community Engagement Support

Rhanna Lei Cariaga

Rhanna Lei Cariaga


Remo Eerma

Remo Eerma

Webinar Host

Bruce Robinson

Bruce Robinson

Webinar Host

Oliver Robinson, MA, MSc, PhD

Oliver Robinson, MA, MSc, PhD

Conference co-organiser

Project Leaders

Natalia Sánchez, MA

Natalia Sánchez, MA

SMN en Español

President and Vice Presidents

Bernard Carr, MA, PhD (Cantab)

Bernard Carr, MA, PhD (Cantab)


Prof John Clarke, BA, MA

Prof John Clarke, BA, MA

Vice President

Diana Clift, MA, (Oxon), MPhil, AIPTI

Diana Clift, MA, (Oxon), MPhil, AIPTI

Vice President

Claudia Nielsen, PhD, MA

Claudia Nielsen, PhD, MA

Vice President

Prof Marilyn Monk, BSc, MSc, PhD, MSTAT

Prof Marilyn Monk, BSc, MSc, PhD, MSTAT

Vice President

Dr Andrew Powell, MA (Cantab), MB BChir, MRCP, FRCPsych

Dr Andrew Powell, MA (Cantab), MB BChir, MRCP, FRCPsych

Vice President

Martin Redfern, BSc

Martin Redfern, BSc

Vice President

Board of Directors

The policies and direction of the SMN, are the responsibility of a Board of up to twelve Directors.

The directors are chosen by being recommended by members of the SMN at their members’ AGM, which usually takes place at the Annual Gathering in July. The Board then ratifies new directors. The SMN is a charity which was founded in 1973, and then became a charitable company limited by guarantee, at the beginning of 2004.

Joan Walton, PhD

Joan Walton, PhD

Interim SMN Chair, Galileo Commission Portfolio

Tuvi Orbach, BSc, MBA

Tuvi Orbach, BSc, MBA

SMN Strategy Consultant

Jacqueline Nielsen, BA, BL

Jacqueline Nielsen, BA, BL

Local and National Groups Portfolio

Laurel Waterman, MA

Laurel Waterman, MA

Board Director

Simon Duan, PhD

Simon Duan, PhD

Board Director

Filippo Dal Fiore

Filippo Dal Fiore

Board Director


Janine Edge, MA (CANTAB), MSc

Janine Edge, MA (CANTAB), MSc

Chairman of the Trustees

Adam Parkin BA (Warwick) MPhil (Oxon) Economics

Adam Parkin BA (Warwick) MPhil (Oxon) Economics


 Oonagh Harpur

Oonagh Harpur


Edi Bilimoria, DPhil, FIMechE, FEI, FRSA

Edi Bilimoria, DPhil, FIMechE, FEI, FRSA

Trustee, Education Portfolio

Registered address, Scientific & Medical Network, c/o Dawe, Hawken & Dodd, 52 Fore Street, Callington, Cornwall PL17 7AJ

Charity Number: 1101171

Charitable company limited by guarantee number: 4544694