Merchants of Light Film Discussion Panel 1

Merchants of Light – The consciousness that is changing the world (with Betty Kovács)- Film and Panel Discussion

How can we know and experience who we really are?


Betty Kovács explains the different waves of spiritual awakenings throughout history, and how we found techniques to experience higher states of consciousness. She shows that we are now experiencing a new spiritual renaissance, how we can find our divine spark and remember who we really are.


Come and enjoy an online screening of this film followed by a live panel discussion with director Anthony Chene, Betty J Kovács,  Anne Baring, and David Lorimer.


Betty Kovacs Lo res

Betty J. Kovács received her PhD from the University of California, Irvine, in Comparative Literature and Theory of Symbolic/Mythic Language. She has studied and taught in Europe and the United States. She taught Literature, Writing, and Symbolic/Mythic Language for twenty-five years. She served many years as Chair and Program Chair on the Board of Directors of the Jung Society of Claremont in California and sits on the Academic Advisory Board of Forever Family Foundation. She is author of The Miracle of Death: There is Nothing But Life and Merchants of Light: The Consciousness That is Changing the World.


Anne Baring

Anne Baring MA Oxon, PhD in Wisdom Studies Ubiquity University 2018, is a Jungian Analyst, author and co-author of seven books including, with Jules Cashford, The Myth of the Goddess; Evolution of an Image; with Andrew Harvey, The Mystic Vision and The Divine Feminine; with Dr. Scilla Elworthy, Soul Power: an Agenda for a Conscious Humanity. Her book The Dream of the Cosmos: a Quest for the Soul was awarded the Scientific and Medical Network Book Prize for 2013. Her most recent book is Messages from a Transcendent Dimension. The ground of all her work is a deep interest in the spiritual, mythological, shamanic and artistic traditions of different cultures. Her website is devoted to the affirmation of a new vision of reality and the issues facing us at this crucial time of choice.


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After graduating in media journalism and audiovisual production, Anthony Chene first worked as video reporter within companies, media agencies and TV channels. Now, he works as a freelancer (director, video reporter) for various clients, and also develops his own projects (documentaries, videoclips, fiction). He is based in France, and travels on a regular basis for his productions.


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David Lorimer is a visionary polymath who is Global Ambassador and Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network, Editor of Paradigm Explorer and Chair of the Galileo Commission. He has been creating the Mystics and Scientists conferences for 35 years and is the originator of the Beyond the Brain conferences. His most recent books are A Quest for Wisdom, The Great Upshift (edited with Ervin Laszlo) and his collection of poems, Better Light a Candle.


Merchants of Light Film Discussion Panel 1


Ticket holders will receive a link to the film.

Suggested viewing time is to start at 4:30 pm Saturday 14 December.
A Zoom panel discussion will follow from a few minutes after 6 pm – 7.30 pm on Saturday 14 December.

Please note
: All bookings will receive a link to view the panel discussion RECORDING.


The event is over and ticket sales are now closed.


Sat, 14 December 2024
Event has passed


4:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Sat, 14 December 2024
  • Time: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm


  • Anne Baring
    Anne Baring

    Dr Anne Baring, MA Oxon. PhD in Wisdom Studies Ubiquity University 2018. Jungian Analyst, author and co-author of seven books including, with Jules Cashford, The Myth of the Goddess; Evolution of an Image; with Andrew Harvey, The Mystic Vision and The Divine Feminine; with Dr. Scilla Elworthy, Soul Power: an Agenda for a Conscious Humanity. Her most recent book The Dream of the Cosmos: a Quest for the Soul (2013, updated and reprinted 2020) was awarded the Scientific and Medical Network Book Prize for 2013. The ground of all her work is a deep interest in the spiritual, mythological, shamanic and artistic traditions of different cultures. Her website is devoted to the affirmation of a new vision of reality and the issues facing us at this crucial time of choice.

  • David Lorimer
    David Lorimer
    Writer, Lecturer, Poet, Editor

    David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA is a visionary polymath – writer, lecturer, poet and editor who is a Founder of Character Education Scotland, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network  and former President of Wrekin Trust and the Swedenborg Society. David is also the Editor of Paradigm Explorer, and Chair of the Galileo Commission, which seeks the expand the evidence base of science of consciousness beyond a materialistic world view.

    Originally a merchant banker then a teacher of philosophy and modern languages at Winchester College, he is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including Survival? Death as Transition (1984,2017) Resonant Mind (originally Whole in One) (1990/2017), The Spirit of Science (1998), Thinking Beyond the Brain (2001), The Protein Crunch (with Jason Drew) and A New Renaissance (edited with Oliver Robinson). He has edited three books about the Bulgarian sage Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov): Prophet for our Times (1991, 2015), The Circle of Sacred Dance, and Gems of Love, which is a translation of his prayers and formulas into English. His book on the ideas and work of the Prince of Wales – Radical Prince (2003) – has been translated into Dutch, Spanish and French. His most recent books are A Quest for Wisdom and his collection of poems, Better Light a Candle.

  • Anthony Chene
    Anthony Chene

    After graduating in media journalism and audiovisual production, I first worked as video reporter within companies, media agencies and TV channels. Now, I work as a freelancer (director, video reporter) for various clients, and I also develop my own projects (documentaries, videoclips, fiction). I am based in France, and I travel on a regular basis for my productions.

  • Betty J. Kovács
    Betty J. Kovács
    Author, Chair, PhD

    Betty received her PhD from the University of California, Irvine, in Comparative Literature and Theory of Symbolic/Mythic Language. She has studied and taught in Europe and the United States. She taught Literature, Writing, and Symbolic/Mythic Language for twenty-five years. She served many years as Chair and Program Chair on the Board of Directors of the Jung Society of Claremont in California and sits on the Academic Advisory Board of Forever Family Foundation. She is author of The Miracle of Death: There is Nothing But Life and Merchants of Light: The Consciousness That is Changing the World.