Philip Wade – A Case of Mistaken Identity!
Is enlightened consciousness available to us all?
Join Philip Wade for an invitation to shift consciousness to our true identity beyond seeking – Self-Realisation.
This time of unparalleled Earth Quake (global turmoil) where humanity’s greatest fear – its own demise – is front and centre stage, is a deep invitation to a shift in consciousness. In this event, Philip Wade will provide insight into why we suffer individually and collectively from a case of mistaken identity and how an ultimately simple yet fundamental shift in awareness is central to Spiritual Self Realisation. This experiential event will include both a range of direct insights, simple, yet powerful and brief awareness-based meditation exercises and responses to questions people face on the journey of Self Realisation. Central to this Realisation is opening to bringing an end to seeking while realising that we collectively already are what we are seeking! This is not human identity but pure Awareness or Infinite Silence.
About the speaker:
After a 14-year meditation journey Philip realised the nature of the True Self which referred to itself as Infinite Silence. In his former life he was a Chartered Civil Engineer and Operating Group Director of a large Consultancy Business. That was all left behind in 2009 to focus on deep inner calling and he never looked back. His style is simple, compassionate, direct and offers exquisite clarity. It is based on direct experience and is not rooted in any spiritual tradition. His sharing has reached around the globe. Originally from Manchester, he lives in North Yorkshire with his wife Sue where they have a purpose-built meditation space at their home.
Learn more about Philip’s work: www.gatewaylocation.org and www.staroflight.org
Click here for a recording of Philip’s Sunday meditation with the Scientific and Medical Network.
Note: all bookings will receive a link to view the RECORDING
The event is over and ticket sales are now closed.
Philip WadeSpiritual Guide/Advocate
After a 14-year meditation journey Philip Wade realised the nature of the True Self which referred to itself as Infinite Silence. In his former life he was a Chartered Civil Engineer and Operating Group Director of a large Consultancy Business. That was all left behind in 2009 to focus on deep inner calling and he never looked back. His style is simple, compassionate, direct and offers exquisite clarity. It is based on direct experience and is not rooted in any spiritual tradition. His sharing has reached around the globe. Originally from Manchester, he lives in North Yorkshire with his wife Sue where they have a purpose-built meditation space at their home.