Andrew Fellows – Covid-19, Climate Chaos and the Need for Metanoia: A Trans-Disciplinary Guide
Andrew says: “Hitherto unexplored synergies between Jungian psychology, systems and Gaia theory, and deep ecology can prepare us to face the existential threat of the Anthropocene and heal the schism between science and spirituality. They show how the shift of emphasis from development to individuation in personal psychology translates into a desperately-needed metanoia away from our ecocidal anthropocentrism, nostalgia, inertia and hubris. These extraordinary parallels are theoretically substantiated in the context of dual-aspect monism and nonlocal consciousness to illuminate the critical choices to be made when the current pandemic eventually subsides.”
Andrew FellowsJungian Analyst
Andrew Fellows is a Jungian Analyst (with private practices in Bern and Zürich), deep ecologist, and writer. He holds a Doctorate in Applied Physics, and enjoyed two decades of international professional engagement with renewable energy, sustainable development and environmental policy. His special interests include the anima mundi, the mid-life transition, the new sciences, and the use of depth psychology to understand and address global collective and environmental problems. He lives over 900m above sea level in rural Switzerland without a car. His first book is Gaia, Psyche and Deep Ecology: Navigating Climate Change in the Anthropocene (Routledge 2019).