Anne Baring – Awakening to a New Story: The Evolutionary Imperative of Our Time
How can we renew our sacred connection to the Earth?
Join us for a spiritual and evolutionary odyssey with one of the Earth’s wisest elders speaking out passionately on her behalf and bringing us the possibility of a renewed sacred connection with the Earth and the ‘Soul of the Cosmos’.
This richly illustrated talk will assess how what Anne calls the ‘Four Paths to Union with the Divine Ground’ (ie Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism and Christianity) have assisted or impeded the recognition of the sacredness of the Earth and our role on this planet. We will look at the shadow aspect of these Paths, including their “Up and Out” cosmology and show how some have conditioned us to regard nature as inferior to spirit, and to consider ourselves to be ‘above’ nature and separate from the life of the planet. They do not address the fundamental questions: what is the purpose of the material universe and the value and meaning of our lives as part of it? The New Story tells us that we have an inspiring purpose and an agenda to accomplish: to carry out the will of the Cosmos for this planet; to safeguard its life; to cherish every aspect of its divinity.
Anne BaringAuthor
Dr Anne Baring, MA Oxon. PhD in Wisdom Studies Ubiquity University 2018. Jungian Analyst, author and co-author of seven books including, with Jules Cashford, The Myth of the Goddess; Evolution of an Image; with Andrew Harvey, The Mystic Vision and The Divine Feminine; with Dr. Scilla Elworthy, Soul Power: an Agenda for a Conscious Humanity. Her most recent book The Dream of the Cosmos: a Quest for the Soul (2013, updated and reprinted 2020) was awarded the Scientific and Medical Network Book Prize for 2013. The ground of all her work is a deep interest in the spiritual, mythological, shamanic and artistic traditions of different cultures. Her website is devoted to the affirmation of a new vision of reality and the issues facing us at this crucial time of choice.