Dr. Edi Bilimoria – Legendary Scientists, Without Exception, Affirmed Divinity
‘Science rests on facts and evidence whereas religion is based on faith and belief’ is a sneering remark that I have personally heard, not infrequently, at lectures I attended at the Royal Society and the Royal Institution of Great Britain. This talk presents hard evidence from the writings of legendary scientists to demonstrate that these luminaries of science, without fail, affirmed their conviction (not belief) in a Higher Power (by whatever name) and acknowledged their responsibility as ITS channel and instrument in their pioneering discoveries.
Our initial focus will be on the religious and mystic pronouncements of Isaac Newton, overtly expressed in his Principia, his letters to Richard Bentley ‘Containing Some Arguments in Proof of a DEITY’, and several other correspondences. We demolish the popular idea that Newton preached a ‘clockwork universe’ powered by blind mechanical physical laws.
Then we turn to the visionary and mystical insights of the giants of modern physics, including Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and Erwin Schrödinger.
Finally we show how that most elusive subject, mathematics, bridges science and religion. Here we draw on the pioneering research of Stephen Phillips in his classic book showing the mathematical connection between religion and science; and Noor Bosra elucidating the role of number and allegory from Ancient Mesopotamia and Greece to Islam.
EDI BILIMORIA is an award-winning engineer and consultant to the petrochemical, transportation, and construction industries. He has been Project Manager and Head of Design for major innovative projects such as the Channel Tunnel, London Underground systems, petrochemical plants, and offshore installations. A student of the Wisdom Tradition for more than 50 years, he has given courses and lectured extensively in the UK and internationally. His book The Snake and the Rope was awarded a prize by the Scientific and Medical Network in 2008.
Edi’s latest four-volume work, Unfolding Consciousness: Exploring the Living Universe and Intelligent Powers in Nature and Humans contrasts Science with the Perennial Philosophy on Consciousness and Man. In 2023, this work was awarded the SMN’s Grand Prize.
Edi BilimoriaEngineer, Pianist, Author
Born in India and educated at the universities of London, Sussex and Oxford, Edi Bilimoria presents an unusual blend of experience in the fields of science, the arts and philosophy.
A student of the perennial philosophy for over half a century, Edi has published extensively in the disciplines of science, engineering and the esoteric philosophy. In 2007, his book The Snake and the Rope was awarded the Book Prize by the Scientific and Medical Network (SMN). In 2023, his four-volume work Unfolding Consciousness: Exploring the Living Universe and Intelligent Powers in Nature and Humans was awarded the SMN’s Grand Prize. Edi serves as an Advisor to Board, a Trustee of the SMN, and an Adviser to the Galileo Commission of the Network. He is also a Trustee and a Council Member of the Francis Bacon Society.