Dr. Jeff Dunne – Synchronicities: Signals of Interconnectedness
Years of research have consistently demonstrated that the traditional understanding of time as an objective property of the universe is flawed. There are countless examples of information flowing backward through the illusion of linear time, and even the equations of physics themselves indicate that this is to be expected. Further, the nature of interconnectedness is likewise embedded in those equations. We hear about terms like quantum entanglement in the news, but the phenomenon goes much deeper. The inescapable conclusion is that we are intrinsically bound together within a greater ecosystem, and compelled by intwined future purposes every bit as much as we are driven by past causes. In this talk, Dr. Dunne will discuss the potential for synchronicities to provide insights about the nature of our interconnectedness, and even clues about those future purposes towards which we are navigating.
Dr. Jeffrey Dunne is President of the International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL, www.icrl.org), an organization established in 1997 to continue the research of the effects of consciousness on physical systems carried out at Princeton University from 1979-2007. In addition to his own explorations into the nature of consciousness through ICRL, and several decades of research at the Johns Hopkins University in fields that ranged from acoustics to data science and artificial intelligence, Dr. Dunne is an award-winning playwright and author. Through his recently published novel, Nexus, Jeff weaves the concept of syntropy with the implications of the nature of consciousness into a story that speaks to the potentially-existential challenges humanity is facing, and highlights a path by which we can navigate towards a healthier, sustainable future.