Dr Yvonne Kason – Defining Spiritually Transformative Experiences: My Inner and Outer Journey
What are Spiritually Transformative Experiences?
Yvonne Kason, MD, will share her personal story of how she discovered and later coined the term ‘Spiritually Transformative Experiences’ (STEs). She will present an overview and definitions for the many types of STEs happening to people around the world today, using real case examples.
Yvonne will share how as a young medical doctor she had powerful personal experiences that introduced her to the wide spectrum of STEs – a Kundalini Awakening in December 1976, a white-light mystical-type Near-Death Experience on March 27th 1979, in a medevac plane crash, and a Psychic Awakening of clairvoyance later in 1979.
Not finding a satisfactory explanation for her own ‘paranormal’ experiences in Western medicine, she began a quest researching spiritual experiences, drawing from the mystical literature of many faith traditions as well as from transpersonal psychology. Her discovery of the widespread occurrence and lack of understanding about these experiences, propelled her in 1990, to become the first Canadian medical doctor to specialize her practice in the counseling and research of patients with diverse ‘Spiritually Transformative Experience’ (STEs), a term she coined in 1994.
Dr Kason will describe the key features of each type of STE, and define the many common subtypes of each STE type. She has found that finding an accurate non-pathological word to describe diverse STE experiences is extremely helpful to STE experiencers. She will share her opinion based on 40 years of research, clinical experience, and personal experience: that STEs are definitely not hallucinations or a sign of mental illness; but rather, signs of a normal and healthy Spiritual Awakening process occurring in the experiencer.
⦿ Please note: This event is hosted in collaboration with the Galileo Commission.
About the speaker:
Yvonne Kason, MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP, is the President and Co-Founder of Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI), and is the Co-Leader and Co-Founder of Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group. She has had five Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), two in her childhood and three in her adult life, as well as multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs). She is the Past-President of IANDS, the International Association for Near-Death Studies (2019-2020). Dr Kason is a retired family physician and transpersonal MD-psychotherapist, previously on faculty at the University of Toronto, and an internationally renowned medical expert on NDEs and other STEs.
In 1990, Dr Kason was the first Canadian medical doctor to specialize her medical practice in the research and counseling of patients with diverse types of STEs. She has 40 years of experience counseling STE Experiencers. She co-founded the Kundalini Research Network in 1990, and later co-founded the Spirituality in Health-Care Network in 2000. Dr Kason is the person who first coined the phrase ‘Spiritually Transformative Experiences’ or ‘STEs’ in 1994.
Dr Kason has five published books, her most recent, Touched by the Light: Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences (2019). She has made hundreds of professional presentations, has given scores of media interviews, and is in demand as a keynote speaker. In 2020 she was interviewed on The Dr Oz Show, and on Coast to Coast. Dr Yvonne Kason lives in Toronto, Canada, and enjoys ‘snowbirding’ during the winter months, in Encinitas, CA.
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Yvonne KasonPresident and Co-Founder of Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI)
Dr Yvonne Kason MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP, is the President and Co-Founder of Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI), and is the Co-Leader and Co-Founder of Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group. She has had five Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), two in her childhood and three in her adult life, as well as multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs). She is the Past-President of IANDS, the International Association for Near-Death Studies (2019-2020). Dr Kason is a retired family physician and transpersonal MD-psychotherapist, previously on faculty at the University of Toronto, and an internationally renowned medical expert on NDEs and other STEs.
In 1990, Dr Kason was the first Canadian medical doctor to specialize her medical practice in the research and counseling of patients with diverse types of STEs. She has 40 years of experience counseling STE Experiencers. She co-founded the Kundalini Research Network in 1990, and later co-founded the Spirituality in Health-Care Network in 2000. Dr Kason is the person who first coined the phrase ‘Spiritually Transformative Experiences’ or ‘STEs’ in 1994.
Dr Kason has five published books, her most recent, Touched by the Light: Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences (2019). She has made hundreds of professional presentations, has given scores of media interviews, and is in demand as a keynote speaker. In 2020 she was interviewed on The Dr Oz Show, and on Coast to Coast. Dr Yvonne Kason lives in Toronto, Canada, and enjoys ‘snowbirding’ during the winter months, in Encinitas, CA.