Evolutionary Visions of the Future
How can we co-create a flourishing future?
The Scientific and Medical Network, The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence and WholeWorld-View present a joint event with:
Dr Jude Currivan, Janice Dolley, Chloe Goodchild, Drs Anne-Marie Voorhoeve and David Lorimer
Without vision, the people perish
Visionaries are those who believe that a new and different world is possible and dedicate their lives to this end. They articulate and hold to ideals that may be considered ‘unrealistic’ by their more cynical and worldly contemporaries, and yet social and moral progress comes about precisely through challenging the status quo and envisaging new possibilities and potentialities.
Spiritual visionaries such as Teilhard de Chardin, Rudolf Steiner, Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov), Walter Russell, Simone Weil, Thomas Troward, Sri Aurobindo, Sir George Trevelyan, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Andrew Harvey and Anne Baring have all envisaged an evolutionary process towards cosmic consciousness. Here we become aware of the central I Am within as our essential root identity as One Mind and One Heart corresponding to a trajectory towards a fuller expression of a culture of Love, Wisdom, Truth, Freedom, Justice and Goodness.
Among contemporary expressions is the Wholeworld-View articulated by Dr Jude Currivan – this wholistically integrates universal spirituality, ancient wisdom teachings and indigenous traditions with and supported by leading-edge scientific evidence – and offers a unifying framework of the Unity of reality and its multidimensional realms, to understand, experience and embody unity in diversity.
It describes a Universe that not only exists and evolves as a unified entity, but embodies an impulse to evolve, from simplicity to complexity and self-aware individuation. Where everything in existence has meaning and purpose and where we, as divine beings having a human experience, are its micro-cosmic co-creators and evolutionary partners.
Envisioning an evolutionary vision meaningfully in terms of how we might collaborate, extending the ‘me’ to encompass the ‘we and the ‘all’; not only for our human family, but the entire biosphere – extending out to potential forms of life throughout the universe.
In this session, after some initial background, we will open up a space to explore the common elements of such visions in terms of metaphysical principles, ethics, values, identity and purpose as a way of rekindling our inspiration and commitment to co-creating the kind of future we all aspire to and yearn for – as well as the next steps we can take together in this unfolding process of collective awakening.
⦿ Please note: this is a donation-based event.
– Timings are in BST –
– Doors open at 3.50 pm and attendees are encouraged to prepare to light their own candle –
3:50 pm: Music by Chloe as room opens
4:00 pm: Introduction and opening – poem, candles, invocation (everyone invited to light a candle where they are), with Janice Dolley and Chloe Goodchild
4:15 pm: David Lorimer, ‘Visionary Pioneers of Love and Wisdom’
4:30 pm: Janice Dolley, ‘Key Evolutionary Visions from Sir George Trevelyan’
4:45 pm: Jude Currivan, ‘How a WholeWorld–View can guide (R)evolution’ 5:00 pm: Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, ‘Meshworking for a WholeWorld’
5:10 pm: Break out rooms, ‘How do we Embody, Co-create and Manifest an Evolutionary Vision in Daily Life?’
5:40 pm: Anne-Marie Voorhoeve – Harvesting and sharing – also on chat
6:10 pm: ‘Unfolding Steps’ closure with a song…blow out candles to send out Light and Love – Anne-Marie and Chloe
6:30 pm: Closure – optional return to break-out groups for a further 20 minutes
About the speaker:
Anne-Marie Voorhoeve is an evolutionary leader, founder of The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence (THC), and core team member of WholeWorld-View and Unity Community. Focussing on the emergence of heart-centered planetary governance, she Coalesces Authority, Power and Influence (CAPI-Adizes) and is part of core teams of conscious networks like Co-Creating Europe, Integral City Meshworks, the Club of Budapest. Anne-Marie is also the initiator-vision holder of Caravan of Unity Europe and Beyond, ambassador of Loving Classroom-Loving World, active member and facilitator of SINE, which provides community leaders with networked resources to maximize impact. She is an experienced integral facilitator and practises the WholeWorld-View framework Think Cosmic, Feel Global, Act Local. Meshworking around the world, she loves to work intergenerationally, balancing the masculine and the feminine in co-creation, guided by the Universal Heart.
Chloe Goodchild is a singing philosopher, sound visionary, teacher, author and founder of The Naked Voice (1990) and its Charitable Foundation (2004), providing conscious core practices, meditative music, audio-books and spoken meditations to empower you to find and to express your authentic voice. Chloe is an international author, presenter and teacher for Sounds True Audio Books and The SHIFT Network and Hawkwood College of Future Thinking. Chloe’s Podcast series VOCE Dialogues reveals conversations on the practice of compassion with diverse teachers, artists, musicians, activists, and spiritual philosophers. Her website is www.chloegoodchild.com.
Janice Dolley, B.A, has been pioneering ways of integrating the oneness of all life and our essential interconnectedness within the whole web of life into today’s world since the early 1970. She has worked as a founding academic member of the staff of the Open University Development Director of the Wrekin Trust established by the visionary Sir George Trevelyan, Trustee of the Findhorn Foundation and core team member for their New Story Summit as well as founding Trustee for Wyse International for training young leaders. Her more recent books include ‘The Quest: Exploring a Sense of Soul’ with Joycelin Dawes and ‘Awakening to a New Reality: Conscious Conversations across the Horizon of Death’ with Ursula Burton. Her current focus is on the new story for Christianity, contributing to the core team for a WholeWorld-View and on generating the synergy between groupings that is needed to restore a sense of the sacredness of all life and establish pathways towards a new era for Planet Earth.
Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, author of six books, most recently ‘The Cosmic Hologram’, previously a senior international businesswoman and in 2017 co-founder of WholeWorld-View, a growing interdependent co-operative of global change agents in service to nurturing our personal and collective need for meaning and belonging, celebrating our innate diversity within a unified whole and empowering conscious evolution. Experiencing life-long multidimensional realities and working with wisdom keepers of many traditions, she is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle. Jude holds a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading in the UK researching ancient cosmologies and a Master’s Degree in Physics from Oxford University specializing in cosmology and quantum physics. She integrates leading edge science, consciousness research and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic world-view, underpinning her work to enable emergent and transformational change. Her website is www.judecurrivan.com.
The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence (THC) exists to help align necessary resources for the current human and planetary transition and focusses on international societal challenges whose complexity requires collaboration between multiple stakeholders. Phenomenological research in The Hague Center for Field Inquiry informs the work of THCs team members, who are based in Europe, Egypt, Canada. The Hague Center is rooted in the WholeWorld-View and operates on a global, regional and local scale. For more information, visit: www.thehaguecenter.org.
WholeWorld-View is a growing interdependent co-operative of global change agents in service to nurturing our personal and collective need for meaning and belonging, celebrating our innate diversity within a unified whole and empowering conscious evolution. For more information, visit: www.wholeworld-view.org .
David LorimerWriter, Lecturer, Poet, Editor
David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA is a visionary polymath – writer, lecturer, poet and editor who is a Founder of Character Education Scotland, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and former President of Wrekin Trust and the Swedenborg Society. David is also the Editor of Paradigm Explorer, and Chair of the Galileo Commission, which seeks the expand the evidence base of science of consciousness beyond a materialistic world view.
Originally a merchant banker then a teacher of philosophy and modern languages at Winchester College, he is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including Survival? Death as Transition (1984,2017) Resonant Mind (originally Whole in One) (1990/2017), The Spirit of Science (1998), Thinking Beyond the Brain (2001), The Protein Crunch (with Jason Drew) and A New Renaissance (edited with Oliver Robinson). He has edited three books about the Bulgarian sage Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov): Prophet for our Times (1991, 2015), The Circle of Sacred Dance, and Gems of Love, which is a translation of his prayers and formulas into English. His book on the ideas and work of the Prince of Wales – Radical Prince (2003) – has been translated into Dutch, Spanish and French. His most recent books are A Quest for Wisdom and his collection of poems, Better Light a Candle.
Jude CurrivanCosmologist, Author
Dr Jude Currivan has a master’s degree in physics from Oxford University and a doctorate in archaeology from the University of Reading. She is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author who was previously one of the most senior business women in the UK and in 2017 she co-founded WholeWorld-View. Integrating leading edge science, research into consciousness, and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic world-view underpins her work serving conscious evolution and empowering transformational and emergent resolutions to collective human and planetary issues. For over two decades she has also travelled around the world in service to planetary healing. A member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle (www.evolutionaryleaders.net) she is also the international and award-winning author of six books to date, latterly The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation. Her next book, Gaia: Her-Story will be published in 2022.
Janice DolleyDirector, Author
Janice Dolley, B.A, has been pioneering ways of integrating the oneness of all life and our essential interconnectedness within the whole web of life into today’s world since the early 1970. She has worked as a founding academic member of the staff of the Open University Development Director of the Wrekin Trust established by the visionary Sir George Trevelyan, Trustee of the Findhorn Foundation and core team member for their New Story Summit as well as founding Trustee for Wyse International for training young leaders. Her more recent books include ‘The Quest: Exploring a Sense of Soul’ with Joycelin Dawes and ‘Awakening to a New Reality: Conscious Conversations across the Horizon of Death’ with Ursula Burton. Her current focus is on the new story for Christianity, contributing to the core team for a WholeWorld-View and on generating the synergy between groupings that is needed to restore a sense of the sacredness of all life and establish pathways towards a new era for Planet Earth.
Chloe GoodchildSinger, Philosopher
Chloë Goodchild is a singing philosopher, vocalist, teacher, healer, author and the founder of The Naked Voice, a pioneering experiential vocal training programme, providing a sound awareness toolkit of conscious core practices, music, audio-books and spoken meditations that empower you to find and to embody your authentic voice. The Naked Voice Charitable Foundation was established in 2004 to disseminate a deeper awareness of the essential role conscious communication plays in strengthening ethical awareness, social health and well-being in all realms of human life. Chloë’s seminal book, The Naked Voice – Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound (North Atlantic Books) was published in 2015.
Chloë’s Podcast series, the VOCE Dialogues – Voices of Compassionate Evolution launched in 2019. It explores and celebrates the transformative impact of compassion, with new paradigm teachers, musicians, authors, artists, social activists, new scientists, and entrepreneurs, who are making a difference in the world.
Chloë sings, teaches, performs and records on her NakedVoiceMusic label. She is also a presenter and author for Sounds True Audiobooks; and The Shift Network.
Anne-Marie VoorhoeveFounder of The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence (THC)
Anne-Marie Voorhoeve is an evolutionary leader, founder of The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence (THC), and core team member of WholeWorld-View and Unity Community. Focussing on the emergence of heart-centered planetary governance, she Coalesces Authority, Power and Influence (CAPI-Adizes) and is part of core teams of conscious networks like Co-Creating Europe, Integral City Meshworks, the Club of Budapest. Anne-Marie is also the initiator-vision holder of Caravan of Unity Europe and Beyond, ambassador of Loving Classroom-Loving World, active member and facilitator of SINE, which provides community leaders with networked resources to maximize impact. She is an experienced integral facilitator and practises the WholeWorld-View framework Think Cosmic, Feel Global, Act Local. Meshworking around the world, she loves to work intergenerationally, balancing the masculine and the feminine in co-creation, guided by the Universal Heart.