Jürgen Werner Kremer, PhD – Coming-to-Presence at My Place of Hope
In this time of multiple severe crises, where can we find hope?
Are we condemned to incantatory evocations of optimism? Or is there the possibility of developing a sense of grounded hope that draws on what the paradigmatically most advanced Western sciences as well as Indigenous sciences show us? I will discuss how the implications of quantum field theories and the assumptions of Indigenous science practices show a path to overcoming the strictures and pathologies of coloniality/modernity and how they may guide us out of our present cognitive prison where we are failing to address the root causes of our crises.
The normative dissociation of the modern Western self, its commitment to left-hemispheric brain processes narrowly focused on static things, needs to find resolutions that facilitate personal and cultural healing. Visionary sovereignty is the measure which shows how well our human balancing act with all our relations is going. Balancing ourselves in nurturing conversations with all our relations is a process notion that overcomes the modern focus on things and linear progress. The world holds the sedimented memory of the past and the remembrance of Indigenous presence all around has the potential of bringing the past into the present so that it may become what it might have been. Such remembrance is the work of personal and cultural healing, the healing of Western self-colonization that was exported through the creation of European colonies.
The hope of optimism then finds resolutions in the intimacies of conversations with place and all its beings; it is a coming-to-presence where hope can be found in the sound of green leaves moving in the wind (to quote Leanne Simpson) and in the depths of remembrances for our future.
About the speaker:

Jürgen W. Kremer received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the Universität Hamburg, Germany. Jurgen has taught and served as Dean at Saybrook University and the California Institute of Integral Studies. His scholarly work is concerned with the relevance of indigenous knowledge and shamanism for today as well as ethno-autobiography. Jürgen is a tenured faculty member at the Santa Rosa Junior College and the Academic Coordinator for the Indigenous Science and Peace Studies program at the UN University for Peace, Costa Rica. He has published regularly since 1976, with 200 plus publications to his credit (journal articles, book chapters, books). He published the textbook Psychology in Diversity, Diversity in Psychology – An Integrative Psychology for the 21st Century with Kendall-Hunt. His Ethnoautobiography (with R. Jackson-Paton) is scheduled to be re-issued in its third edition with the same publisher. His multicultural textbook Abnormal Psychology has been issued in January of 2020 by Kendall-Hunt. He co-edited the books Transformation of Consciousness: Potentials for Our Future (2015); Cultural and Medical Traditions (2018); and Culture, Consciousness, and Healing (2017). Jürgen has served on several editorial boards and has been an editor of ReVision (a journal of consciousness and transformation) since 1994, see revisionpublishing.org.
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Jürgen W. KremerClinical Psychologist
Jürgen W. Kremer received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the Universität Hamburg, Germany. Jurgen has taught and served as Dean at Saybrook University and the California Institute of Integral Studies. His scholarly work is concerned with the relevance of indigenous knowledge and shamanism for today as well as ethno-autobiography. Jürgen is a tenured faculty member at the Santa Rosa Junior College and the Academic Coordinator for the Indigenous Science and Peace Studies program at the UN University for Peace, Costa Rica. He has published regularly since 1976, with 200 plus publications to his credit (journal articles, book chapters, books). He published the textbook Psychology in Diversity, Diversity in Psychology – An Integrative Psychology for the 21st Century with Kendall-Hunt. His Ethnoautobiography (with R. Jackson-Paton) is scheduled to be re-issued in its third edition with the same publisher. His multicultural textbook Abnormal Psychology has been issued in January of 2020 by Kendall-Hunt. He co-edited the books Transformation of Consciousness: Potentials for Our Future (2015); Cultural and Medical Traditions (2018); and Culture, Consciousness, and Healing (2017). Jürgen has served on several editorial boards and has been an editor of ReVision (a journal of consciousness and transformation) since 1994, see revisionpublishing.org.