Lars Muhl and Naleea Landmann – For Those Who Have Faith, Everything is Possible
Are we already who we need to be?
Faith in Aramaic (haimanoota) is not blind faith, but a confidence and integrity based on an intuitive insight and certitude, which is essential experience-based and cannot necessarily be put into words. A human being who can manifest such faith reposes in that heavenly, transpersonal state, Malkoota d’Shmeya.
A webinar about consciousness and the Soul’s DNA based on Lars’ latest books The Sacred Numbers of Initiation and The Light Within the Human Heart. It is all about God-Consciousness, Presence, Kingdom of Heaven, The Mirror of Fate, How to Heal Yourself.
We are already everything we are striving to be, we already have all the tools needed to become the ones we came here to be.
About the speakers:

Due to experiences following the death of his little sister, Lars Muhl developed already as a 9-year-old a sensitivity opening him up towards other peoples’ pains and thoughts. Its devastating effects meant that Lars was not able to attend school. In 1964 he received Hazrat Inayat Khan’s book ‘Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan’ by anonymous post. The book marked the beginning of a lifelong study of the world’s religions and spiritual traditions.
Early on Lars discovered the Essenes and Yeshua’s relationship to this ancient old mystery school. Lars became a musician, but continued his studies, and in 1988 he experienced a huge quantum leap through the Aramaic language that Yeshua spoke.
In 1995 he was struck by an undiagnosable illness which made him bedridden for three years. In 1998 he was healed by the seer, Calle de Montségur, who later became his teacher and mentor.
Lars has worked as healer, therapist and musician, and is a bestselling author of more than 20 books of which some are translated into the world’s languages and published in more than 10 countries. Lars facilitates talks and workshops all over the world and has been teaching the wisdom of Yeshua, the Magdalene and the Essenes for twenty years. Find out more at: www.larsmuhl.com. See his recent videos: “Now it All Begins” and “The Gate of Light”.

Naleea Landmann lives in Germany and works as a healer, translator, singer and actress. Since early childhood, Naleea had a strong yearning to connect with the Divine and understand the realities of this world and the universe. Her out-of-body experiences lead her to question “reality” already as a young child – her personal experiences as well as our path as humanity. Finding a way to express what she felt, she first started to use acting as a tool to communicate and reach people, as well as an opportunity to understand the ways of her own personality structure, or ego. Her vision is to live within a world of heart-centred beings, who listen to their own guidance and share themselves and their gifts in joy and Divine connection.
Naleea has been working with Lars since 2017 as editor, translator, and co-worker in his talks, workshops and in the Divine Deacon Education. She has recently edited his latest book “The Sacred Numbers of Initiation“ and contributed to the book with a new paraphrased version of Psalm 119 from the Old Testament.
Please note: This event is included in the Season Ticket.
All bookings will receive a link to view the RECORDING.
Lars MuhlHealer, Therapist, Author
Due to experiences following the death of his little sister, Lars Muhl developed already as a 9-year-old a sensitivity opening him up towards other peoples’ pains and thoughts. Its devastating effects meant that Lars was not able to attend school. In 1964 he received Hazrat Inayat Khan’s book ‘Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan’ by anonymous post. The book marked the beginning of a lifelong study of the world’s religions and spiritual traditions.
Early on Lars discovered the Essenes and Yeshua’s relationship to this ancient old mystery school. Lars became a musician, but continued his studies, and in 1988 he experienced a huge quantum leap through the Aramaic language that Yeshua spoke.
In 1995 he was struck by an undiagnosable illness which made him bedridden for three years. In 1998 he was healed by the seer, Calle de Montségur, who later became his teacher and mentor.
Lars has worked as healer, therapist and musician, and is a bestselling author of more than 20 books of which some are translated into the world’s languages and published in more than 10 countries. Lars facilitates talks and workshops all over the world and has been teaching the wisdom of Yeshua, the Magdalene and the Essenes for twenty years.
Naleea LandmannHealer, Translator, Singer, Actress
Naleea Landmann lives in Germany and works as a healer, translator, singer and actress. Since early childhood, Naleea had a strong yearning to connect with the Divine and understand the realities of this world and the universe. Her out-of-body experiences lead her to question “reality” already as a young child – her personal experiences as well as our path as humanity. Finding a way to express what she felt, she first started to use acting as a tool to communicate and reach people, as well as an opportunity to understand the ways of her own personality structure, or ego. Her vision is to live within a world of heart-centred beings, who listen to their own guidance and share themselves and their gifts in joy and Divine connection.
Naleea has been working with Lars since 2017 as editor, translator, and co-worker in his talks, workshops and in the Divine Deacon Education. She has recently edited his latest book “The Sacred Numbers of Initiation“ and contributed to the book with a new paraphrased version of Psalm 119 from the Old Testament.