Laurence Freeman OSB – Unified Consciousness
Perennial wisdom teaches that reality is one, simple and eternal. Yet history shows how division is ever rampant, causing suffering and violence. Laurence Freeman, Benedictine monk and Director of the WCCM, will explore how division can have its uses as well as dangers in our awakening to reality and show how the dark night we are passing through in our time contains seeds of great renewal.
 Of Irish and English parentage, LAURENCE FREEMAN was educated by the Benedictines and studied English Literature at Oxford University. Before entering monastic life, he worked with the United Nations in New York, in Banking and Journalism. He is Director of the World Community for Christian Medication (WCCM) an inclusive contemplative community. He is a Benedictine monk of the Congregation of Monte Oliveto Maggiore Italy.
He now resides at Bonnevaux, the WCCM international home in France, and a centre for peace where meditation is practiced and taught as a way to personal and social transformation. Bonnevaux draws on a rich tradition of contemplative wisdom which our times demand.
Fr Laurence is a prolific author. His books include: Light within, the Selfless Self, Your Daily Practice, Jesus: the Teacher Within, First Sight: The Experience of Faith, Web of Silence and Good Work: Meditation for Personal and Organizational Transformation.
He has collaborated with the Dalai Lama on many dialogues and on the ground breaking book The Good Heart. In addition to his work for the contemplative renewal of Christianity he leads dialogues and peace initiatives, seeing meditation as opening the common ground of all humanity. He was awarded the Order of Canada in recognition of his work for interfaith dialogue and the promotion of world peace. His Daily Wisdom, quarterly spiritual letter, other regular teachings online and his retreats and conferences are sources of inspiration for many worldwide.
Laurence FreemanMonk
With Irish and English roots, Laurence Freeman, OSB was educated by the Benedictines and studied English Literature at New College, Oxford University. Before entering monastic life, he worked with the United Nations in New York, in Banking and Journalism. He is Director of The World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM) a global, inclusive contemplative community.
Fr. Laurence Freeman is a monk of the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Oliveto Maggiore. His is the director and spiritual guide of the World Community for Christian Meditation. John Main was his teacher and Fr. Laurence assisted him in establishing the foundations of the Community. Fr. Laurence is the author of a number of books on Christian Meditation. He travels extensively giving presentations and leading Christian Meditation Retreats.