Meet the Board – December 2022
Meet the Board
We are delighted to invite you to a ‘Meet the Board’ session chaired by our President, Prof. Bernard Carr, on Wednesday 14th December, 6-7:30 pm GMT.Â
Attendance at this meeting, which is free for all, will give you the opportunity to meet new members including Dr Natalie Dyer, Laurel Waterman and Alice Letts, as well as existing Board members. In particular, Board Vice-Chair Paul Kieniewicz will be present. Paul joined the SMN Board in 2016. He holds Masters degrees in Astronomy and in Geophysics and has over twenty years experience working as a geophysicist in remote parts of the world. With his scientific background, he serves as assistant editor for the Paradigm Explorer and coordinates the Friday Evening Virtual Bar for the SMN. He has published writings of Andrew Glazewski, a priest who introduced George Blaker to Patrick Shackleton, subsequently founders of the SMN. For the past year, Paul and his wife, Amber, have sheltered Ukrainian refugees in their manor home in Poland, The Cross Boarder House. He will offer a glimpse of their residents and their lives.
We will also review the achievements of the year, including our Book Review Database, and listen to your thoughts and hear some ideas from us for celebrating the SMN’s 50th Anniversary next year.
You are also most welcome to bring your own suggestions and questions.Â
Wednesday 14th December, 6-7:30 pm (UK, GMT).
Please join using this Zoom link:
Meeting ID:Â 890 2828 8298
Passcode: thrive