Mystics and Scientists Conference 2023 – The Healing Power of Sound and Light
Speakers: Peter Mark Adams, Phyllida Anam-Áire, Githa Ben-David, Chloë Goodchild, David Lorimer, Lars Muhl, John Stuart Reid, Dr Glen Rein, Therese Schroeder-Sheker, Anders Holte, Cacina Meadu, Anna Maria Matziorinis, Prof Elvira Brattico
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”
– Nikola Tesla
Come and join us online for inspiration and illumination, and be part of a like-minded community at our 2023 annual Mystics and Scientists Conference. For 45 years these meetings have been dedicated to forging a creative understanding of the complementary roles of rational scientific and intuitive mystical approaches to reality. Our topic this year is The Healing Power of Sound and Light at a time when ongoing traumas and the need for deep healing are urgently coming to the fore.
We have an amazing line-up of speakers to inspire and encourage you on your path towards fulfilment, integration and healing. Peter Mark Adams (speaking from Turkey) will explain the multi-dimensional nature of the healing field, then musician and healer Githa Ben-David (Denmark) will introduce you to her unique approach to vocal sound healing. After lunch, Prof Elvira Brattico will share her research on the neural mechanisms involved in the healing power of music. Then Phyllida Anam-Aire (Ireland) will give us the benefit of her decades of experience of lovingly accompanying people through their time of transition at death. Acoustics pioneer John Stuart Reid (UK/US) will share his research on the healing power of frequency medicine, and this will be followed by a live concert played by his American colleagues Anders Holte and Cacina Meadu, giving us an experience of The Sound of Healing Consciousness.
Sunday will begin with a talk by well-known Danish mystic and musician Lars Muhl on the healing light in the human heart, and this will be followed by session with singing philosopher and healer Chloë Goodchild on Sound Wisdom – Awakening the Energies of Love through the Music of your Soul. After lunch, Anna Maria Matzorinis will speak about the Therapeutic Effects of Music on Consciousness and the Brain with special reference to Alzheimer’s Disease. Then quantum biologist Dr Glen Rein (New York) will tell us about his ground-breaking research indicating that healers, when treating people, can cause measurable changes – which are recordable using specific types of spectroscopy with appropriate analysis of the frequency spectrum – in the DNA of the person being healed. Finally, we will be joined by harpist, mediaeval scholar and end-of-life palliative care specialist Therese Schroeder-Sheker (Oregon) who will share precious insights from her own spiritual journey using the key living symbols of rose, harp, lily and loom in an alchemical process involving the recovery of our original unity.
To complement this life enriching event, we invite you to join the pre-conference film screening of a recent award-winning film on Consciousness: The 1 Field, and subsequent panel discussion. This event will take place online on April 14.
As you can see from this brief description, this very special meeting is not be missed, so we are very much looking forward to your participation! And do spread the word among your friends!
Please note: All bookings will receive a link to view the recordings shortly after the event.
Disclaimer: We welcome the diverse views expressed by individual speakers in our webinars and conferences, but these are not necessarily representative of any general Scientific and Medical Network views or positions – the Network is in no way liable for such views or opinions expressed by our speakers.
Here are just a few of the great comments we received at the end of our 2022 event on Music, Order and Beauty:
“Thank you David, Painton and the Network – A blessing indeed…rejoicing”
“Thank you David, fabulous presenters and all for a very rich and wonderful weekend together. A deep bow of gratitude!!”
“Beautiful, inspiring weekend. “Green and Juicy”. Very grateful.”
“Thank you for the respite, joy and hope the conference has brought to my life sorely needed at this time.”
Programme and Guest Speakers
Download full schedule for both days
All times are in UK, BST.
Session 1 – Chair: David Lorimer
9:00 am Introduction by David Lorimer
9:15 am Peter Mark Adams: The Power of the Healing Field
10:30 am Break
11:00 am Githa Ben David: Vocal Sound Healing with The Note from Heaven and Hung Song
12:15 pm Dialogue and questions
12:45 pm Introduction to the Scientific and Medical Network by Dr Paul Filmore
1:00 pm Lunch
Session 2 – Chair: Dr Peter Fenwick
2:00 pm Anna Maria Matziorinis: O Magnum Mysterium
Musical Ecstasy and the Therapeutic Effects of Music on Consciousness and the Brain
3:10 pm Phyllida Anam Aire: The Path of Love in the Time of Transition
4:10 pm Break
4:40 pm John Stuart Reid: Exploring the Healing Powers of Frequency Medicine
6:00 pm Anders Holte and Cacina Meadu: The Sound of Healing Consciousness – live concert
6:30 pm Discussion
7:00 pm Saturday Close
Peter Mark Adams – The Power of the Healing Field
The greater field of consciousness is also the arena of our healing and spiritual evolution – one in which we are all implicated. Drawing on our own case files Peter will explore the multi-dimensional nature of this field whose healing potential suggests a far more expansive and uplifting vision of whom and what we are. This talk will help people identify the role of disruption in our extended time-line – ancestral, perinatal and past life – and the techniques available to address them.
Githa Ben-David – Vocal Sound Healing with the Note from Heaven and Hung Song
Vocal sound scanning creates a bridge of communication between the singer and the receiver’s energy fields. This kind of vocal sound scanning works as well online as in physical presence, and will work even without the receiver hearing the sound. From my experience you can enter any part of the body’s anatomy – and with your focus add energy to a specific area with Hung Song, purify it and recreate the original healthy structure with mandala-like cymatic shapes through the expression of resonating over- and undertones. I and my students concentrate solely on surrendering to our intuition through listening to the signal of our vocal sound. We aim to keep our flutes pure, by maintaining a dedicated anatomical focus with total faith in the sound signal.
When a physical trauma is released by the vocal sound stimulation, emotional issues appear usually one or two days after the healing has happened. These psychological issues are treated by supporting the client in singing themselves free and changing the story of the trauma while they surrender to The Note from Heaven. This is what I will share with you. I am personally convinced that all this is due to the help of advanced beings in other dimensions. The method is, however, down to earth and might potentially be explained as a download of – and activation of photons. We are waiting for the science to explain this phenomenon.
Anna Maria Matziorinis – O Magnum Mysterium: Musical Ecstasy and the Therapeutic Effects of Music on Consciousness and the Brain
This talk will investigate the impact of music on the brain and the therapeutic effects of music, with a specific reference to its beneficial effects for neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. It will also explore the nature of ecstatic and sacred music and its effects on consciousness.
Phyllida Anam-Áire – The Path of Love in a Time of Transition: Watching with the Dying, Travelling with the Dead
When the old ones in Ireland spoke about death, they referred to the rituals that the Anam-Áire or Soul Carer offered the dying and dead. As a child in the late forties, I absorbed such ancient practices and later on, many years later in 1999, these sacred rites of passage presented themselves to my consciousness once more. Since then, I have worked and trained with Elisabeth Kübler Ross MD in U.S. and Europe. I have watched with many dying people, many bereaved families and have had the privilege to travel with souls after death. Very recently, on 1st January, 2023 I had the sacred privilege of watching with my brother as he died, and I still travel with his soul today. In my talk , I am honoured to share with you appropriate excerpts from these Irish Rituals once spoken in Gaelic language and offered only by the Anam-Áire. (Translated from the Gaelic language as Soul Carer.)
John Stuart Reid – Exploring the Healing Powers of Frequency Medicine
In 2002, Professor James Gimzewski, at UCLA, used an Atomic Force Microscope to sense the sounds emitted by the respiration of a yeast cell, a new field of science that he named, sonocytology. In John Stuart Reid’s presentation he will describe a series of experiments conducted in collaboration with Professor Sungchul Ji of Rutgers University, designed to explore the sounds emitted by cancer cells and healthy cells, analysing their cymatic imprints on water by Professor Ji’s Planckian Distribution Equation method. This research was published in the Water Journal.
The presentation will also include a description of a series of experiments in which a vial of whole human blood was decanted into two smaller vials, one being immersed in a musical environment, while the control vial was placed in a quiet environment, for a period of 20-minutes, followed by a red blood cell count by automatic cell counter. The surprising results showed a significant increase in the numbers of viable red blood cells in the music-immersed blood, in comparison with the numbers from the control vial, and most surprising was that popular music genres outshone the results from classical music. The regeneration mechanism was discovered to be based on an increase in oxygen binding to haemoglobin molecules. This research carries the potential to support hospital patients who are hypoxic due to a weak heart or poor respiration. Publication of this research will follow later this year.
Anders Holte and Cacina Meadu – The Sound of Healing Consciousness
A 30-minute live concert potentially including a short interactive element.
All times are in UK, BST.
Session 3 – Chair: Dr Louise Livingstone
9:30 am Lars Muhl: Healing Light in the Human Heart
10:50 am Break
11:20 am Chloe Goodchild: Sound Wisdom
Awakening the Energies of Love through the Music of your Soul
1:00 pm Lunch
Session 4 – Chair: Dr Natalie Dyer
2:00 pm Prof Elvira Brattico: The Healing Power of Music
Scientific Evidence and Neural Mechanisms
3:10 pm Dr Glen Rein: Vibrational Healing and the Resonant Frequencies of DNA
4:20 pm Break
4:30 pm Therese Schroeder-Sheker: Signatures of a Transfiguring Bow
Rose, Harp, Lily and Loom
5:40 pm Plenary Q & A
6:00 pm Closing remarks by David Lorimer
6:15 pm Conference Close
6:30 pm Optional 30-minute meditation with Peter Fenwick
Lars Muhl – Healing Light in the Human Heart
What is that Light?
How do we recognise it, activate it and experience it?
How can we live by it in everyday life?
How do we leave the world of questions and enter into the world of answers where the real spiritual life starts? When are we starting to take the reality of the ethereal reality seriously?
Danish Author, Musician and Mystic Lars Muhl will share the transformational healing teachings in his new book The Light Within a Human Heart. In his own signature way, he connects humour, story-telling, ancient Essene wisdom and practices, and he will be working with the group consciousness of the people present. We will connect to our core, the inner Light that is always present within us and is offering us all guidance, inspiration and shelter we need, once we ourselves connect to it and maintain that union in our everyday awareness.
The book contains the teachings of the Divine Masculine and Feminine, represented by two Voices within the book, that both guide us through this outstanding and transformative journey we will experience through reading – Asaph, the One that only writes what pleases O, and Taxo Luma, the One that gives herself to Love.
These Two have been emerging as inner voices in Lars’ spiritual practice, and are representing our Divine Union, that will manifest itself in our lives once we are ready to integrate all connected aspects of these principles.
Chloë Goodchild – Sound Wisdom: Awakening the Energies of Love through the Music of your Soul
The naked voice is our most untapped human resource…
There is increasing awareness of the profound impact that shamanic and ancient wisdom traditions have played in the evolution of sound medicine for the body mind and soul. There is also a growing contemporary interest in the transformative power of sound within the fields of science, psychology, religion, medicine and education. New research is also taking place in the relatively new discipline of neuromusicology (cognitive neuroscience of music) devoted to the measurement of real-time processes in the human brain while perceiving and producing sound. Chloë’s own unique method of ‘naked voice’ as both a spiritual practice & a vocal-art form is opening the way sound awakens a new perceptual field of self-awareness within spirituality and the new sciences.
The perennial wisdom traditions have known for centuries a truth that has been overlooked: we each possess a built-in mechanism for spiritual awakening. What is it? The voice of your soul. Chloë Goodchild introduces dynamic vocal practices to liberate the intimate expression of who you really are, to harness the transforming power of your individual voice, expanding your capacity for Love.
Embark upon a unique pathway of vocal sound – activated by the Octave of Consciousness, and the Seven Sounds of Love – which provides a body-centred singing map interconnecting the vibrational energy centers from your head to your toes. They are sonic codes and tonal energies empowering you to embody, to explore, and to express your language of Love. Discover the key role that your soul voice plays in unlocking your intuitive heart, and your innate ‘sound intelligence’ to heal the body through the hidden sounds within you. The music of your soul awakens self-confidence in your true voice, liberating your capacity to engage in courageous, interconnected, and compassionate communication.
You will discover new ways to collaborate with others, and to co-create a vocal journey – essential for these times – resourced from new frequencies of Love, non-judgemental listening, rigorous self-inquiry, discernment, intuitive, ’sound wisdom’ and harmonic resonance, from the inner to the international.
The music of your soul empowers you to respond to the unique voice of your personal calling on Earth now.
“Sound gives to human consciousness evidence of its existence, other words, the consciousness bears witness to its own voice, although it is the active part of consciousness itself which turns into sound. The knower becomes known to him or herself, in other words the consciousness bears witness to its own voice.” Hazrat Inayat Khan
“Chloë is one of the freest spirits I have ever seen on stage” – Juliet Stevenson
Prof Elvira Brattico: The Healing Power of Music: Scientific Evidence and Neural Mechanisms
In my talk I will illustrate the hard scientific evidence obtained with randomized controlled trials of the beneficial effects of music on cognitive and motor functions in neurological and psychiatric patients across the lifespan. The field of neurology-based music therapy will then be illustrated as an advancement of the traditional music therapy field.
Dr Glen Rein – Vibrational Healing and the Resonant Frequencies of DNA
Vibrational healing techniques are vaguely defined as those involving healers but rarely involve the use of specific vibrational frequencies. Such vibrational modes of intact cells and biomolecules have been measured using optical spectroscopy. Recently, vibrational spectroscopy has been used to measure resonance frequencies during wound healing and has been used to distinguish between normal and injured tissue. However, little is known about the vibrational frequencies emitted by healers or how they affect vibrational frequencies of tissues being treated by a healer.
I will discuss my present study where both of these areas were studied using impedance spectroscopy, an electrical form of spectroscopy that can measure frequency signatures of humans, cells and molecules. The method involves applying a voltage to a biological system at different frequencies and measuring which frequencies produce a large spike in the induced current. Frequencies were also measured using a more direct electrical measurement technique called Resonance Frequency Analysis (FRA). In most experiments frequency signatures of human DNA in-vitro were measured before and after being treated by a healer. In some cases, frequencies emitted by a healer was measured.
The results indicate that healers and various energy devices caused a change in the frequency signature of human DNA after being treated. In some cases, the strength of a given frequency was either increased or decreased compared to the untreated sample. In other cases, the frequency itself shifted up or down depending on the type of energy being used. The frequencies which change in response to healing occur in three different frequency ranges (bands) – low, medium and high frequencies. A strong healer will activate one or more frequencies in all three bands, whereas a man-made healing device will typically only affect frequencies in one band. There are specific DNA frequencies which appear to be activated by all healers. Listening to these frequencies during a healing session may facilitate the healing process in general or may only influence the well-known self-healing process DNA undergoes after being injured. I will discuss these results in terms of a healing model proposed by the author which focuses on the different layers of energy in the human biofield.
Therese Schroeder-Sheker – Signatures of a Transfiguring Bow: Rose, Harp, Lily and Loom
Using only six words to identify layers of healing that can move mountains, the Cistercian monk Thomas Merton startled the world with a singular prescription: Try to recover your fundamental unity. Receiving this contemplative orientation to heart in an era of fragmentation generates a transfiguring fire. Its warmth and light support the gradual transformation of personal lead to universal gold, and this metamorphosis can in turn prepare one for a life of service.
Through the retrospective gaze of fifty years of work in end-of-life palliative medicine, medieval and modern music, and higher education, Therese will reflect on a luminous fabric that is formed only gradually and quietly. Its substance is integrative, is the exact opposite of technique and reflects the legacy of mystical spirituality. It can be embodied by artist, scientist, priest and parent. The work of the transfiguring fire is available to all today, in freedom, and its processes can be found in garden, library, and kitchen; at table, loom and at altar, in our birthing and in our dying, in the laboratory of the soul and in the streaming of the stars, wherever loving, knowing and sensing can be unified into harmonious coherence.
Speaker Previews
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Glen ReinCEO of the Quantum-Biology Research Lab
After obtaining a PhD from London University and an Assistant Professorship at Mt. Sinai Medical School, Glen Rein studied various biomedical disciplines at prestigious institutes like Harvard and Stanford Medical Schools. Dr Rein has extensive corporate experience at a Fortune 100 company working on innovative product development and obtaining numerous patents. He is currently CEO of the Quantum-Biology Research Lab conducting innovative basic and contract research ( Most recently Dr Rein has co-founded Glee Biologics with Dr Lee Lorenzen. Glee is developing Aquaceuticals with structured water, nano particles and frequencies of biomolecules and pharmaceuticals in accordance with the emerging field of Informational Pharmacology. Dr Rein has numerous scientific publications (including Nature), is on numerous Boards, has lectured in eight countries and appeared on numerous radio, TV and documentary films.
Therese Schroeder-ShekerMusician, clinician, educator
Musician, clinician, educator and Benedictine oblate, Therese Schroeder-Sheker has been blessed with triple vocations in classical music, end-of-life palliative medicine and higher education.
She made her Carnegie Hall debut as a harpist and singer in 1980; played concerts internationally for 35 years; she composes and records for Celestial Harmonies, Windham Hill, Sony, Curve Blue and others; she founded chamber choral ensembles, held university and seminary academic appointments; she has been the recipient of numerous cultural awards, fellowships and multi-year grants and has been featured in television documentaries for ABC, NBC and CNN. She has delivered residencies, plenaries or medical grand rounds at over sixty-five American and European university and hospital centers of medical excellence and publishes widely on the women mystics, end-of-life palliative care, music, and the contemplative life.
She also consults widely, has served on non-profit Boards and is a founding board member of the Defiant Requiem Foundation. In addition to memberships in professional medical, hospice and musical organizations such as the International Association for Music & Medicine, she is a lifetime member of the American Harp Society, the International Thomas Merton Society, and the American Teilhard Association. Therese founded the palliative medical modality of music-thanatology and its premiere organization The Chalice of Repose Project. Located in Mount Angel, Oregon, she continues to teach locally, nationally, and internationally while working with the dying, composing, writing and gardening.
Cacina MeaduMusician
After a spiritual experience classically trained singer and musician Anders Holte discovered the “Power of One Tone” and began creating his own music. Following two music albums consisting only of Anders’ voice without the use of instruments, he continued his work together with his partner musician Cacina Meadu.
Today Anders and Cacina are pioneers of multidimensional music and have worked with the alchemy of sound, consciousness and music for almost two decades.
In the award-winning documentary ‘The 1 Field’ Anders and Cacina performed their music live as part of a first-of-its-kind scientific experiment conducted by world-renowned sound researcher John Stuart Reid. This ‘concert for human blood’ caused an unprecedented revitalisation of red blood cells and marked the beginning of their collaboration with John Stuart Reid.
Anders & Cacina perform, present and teach about sound and consciousness at live events in Europe, USA, and Asia as well as online.
Their music is known for its unique frequency and vibrational quality. It speaks to people of all ages and cultures and is being used worldwide for deep inner connection, meditation and healings of all kinds.
Githa Ben-DavidSinger, Composer, Vocal sound therapist
Githa Ben-David was educated in the Royal Danish Academy of Music, and has studied Indian singing in Varanasi (6 years), regression therapy, healing and she is an internationally recognised pioneer in Vocal Sound Therapy. She is a singer, composer, and leader of International Education in Vocal Sound Therapy. Githa collaborates with international researchers, doctors and scientists around DNA, cymatics, frequencies and creation processes, electrical and chemical reactions, the fourth phase of water, and the importance of light. She is author of 9 books in Danish – while “The Ultimate Book on Vocal Sound Healing” is a trilogy on Vocal sound work in English, published by O-Books in 2022. “Heal the Pineal” was published in Gilalai in 2020; “Help – A personal story of chronic heavy metal poisoning and how to overcome it” Gilalai, February 2023; “Sarah’s Song”, (novel) Gilalai April 2023. She is a composer/musician singer and has released eight albums – two of them with Lars Muhl.
Anna Maria Matziorinis PhD candidate, Founder of the Bergen Network of Norwegian Psychedelic ScienceAnna Maria MatziorinisPhD candidate, Founder of the Bergen Network of Norwegian Psychedelic Science
Anna Maria Matziorinis (born in Montreal, Canada) received her Bachelor’s degree from McGill University in Psychology and Anthropology, a degree in Piano Studies at the McGill Conservatory of Music, and a Master’s degree at the University of Oslo in Cognitive Neuroscience. She will soon complete her doctoral degree for her work in the Alzheimer’s and Music Therapy project with supervisor Professor Stefan Koelsch at the University of Bergen. Her research focuses on the effects of music and exercise therapy on brain ageing, brain plasticity, and structural brain networks in individuals on the Alzheimer continuum.
Anna Maria is also the founder and board member of the Bergen Network of Norwegian Psychedelic Science, former board member of the Norwegian Research School in Neuroscience (NRSN), and also co-founded the Oslo Network NeuroTechX, a non-profit organisation to facilitate the advancement of neurotechnology via education.
David LorimerWriter, Lecturer, Poet, Editor
David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA is a visionary polymath – writer, lecturer, poet and editor who is a Founder of Character Education Scotland, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and former President of Wrekin Trust and the Swedenborg Society. David is also the Editor of Paradigm Explorer, and Chair of the Galileo Commission, which seeks the expand the evidence base of science of consciousness beyond a materialistic world view.
Originally a merchant banker then a teacher of philosophy and modern languages at Winchester College, he is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including Survival? Death as Transition (1984,2017) Resonant Mind (originally Whole in One) (1990/2017), The Spirit of Science (1998), Thinking Beyond the Brain (2001), The Protein Crunch (with Jason Drew) and A New Renaissance (edited with Oliver Robinson). He has edited three books about the Bulgarian sage Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov): Prophet for our Times (1991, 2015), The Circle of Sacred Dance, and Gems of Love, which is a translation of his prayers and formulas into English. His book on the ideas and work of the Prince of Wales – Radical Prince (2003) – has been translated into Dutch, Spanish and French. His most recent books are A Quest for Wisdom and his collection of poems, Better Light a Candle.
Elvira BratticoProfessor of Neuroscience, Music and Aesthetics
Prof Elvira Brattico has been full professor of Neuroscience, Music and Aesthetics at Aarhus University, Denmark, since 2015 and of Experimental Psychology (part-time) at the University of Bari Aldo Moro in Italy since 2019. In 2015, she co-founded the Center for Music in the Brain (MIB), of which she currently is Principal Investigator and Executive Board member. Previously, she was co-founder and module leader of Aesthetics for the Finnish Center of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Finnish Research (funded by the Academy of Finland), Visiting Researcher at the Rotman Research Institute, Toronto and Université de Montreal, Canada, Core Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Research Fellow at the Aalto University School of Science, and Post-doctoral Fellow of the Academy of Finland.
Elvira Brattico is considered a leading pioneer in research on music psychology, neuroscience and neuroaesthetics, as witnessed by her keynote addresses at international conferences, board membership of numerous scientific societies, and invited chapters in for prestigious publishers (e.g., Oxford University Press). Periodically, she acts as panellist for the European Commission and as reviewer for various international funding agencies. Elvira Brattico has published more than 140 peer-reviewed papers in various areas of empirical aesthetics and neuroaesthetics of music. She has recently edited volumes for Springer, Routledge and Frontiers PA.
Chloe GoodchildSinger, Philosopher
Chloë Goodchild is a singing philosopher, vocalist, teacher, healer, author and the founder of The Naked Voice, a pioneering experiential vocal training programme, providing a sound awareness toolkit of conscious core practices, music, audio-books and spoken meditations that empower you to find and to embody your authentic voice. The Naked Voice Charitable Foundation was established in 2004 to disseminate a deeper awareness of the essential role conscious communication plays in strengthening ethical awareness, social health and well-being in all realms of human life. Chloë’s seminal book, The Naked Voice – Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound (North Atlantic Books) was published in 2015.
Chloë’s Podcast series, the VOCE Dialogues – Voices of Compassionate Evolution launched in 2019. It explores and celebrates the transformative impact of compassion, with new paradigm teachers, musicians, authors, artists, social activists, new scientists, and entrepreneurs, who are making a difference in the world.
Chloë sings, teaches, performs and records on her NakedVoiceMusic label. She is also a presenter and author for Sounds True Audiobooks; and The Shift Network.
Lars MuhlHealer, Therapist, Author
Due to experiences following the death of his little sister, Lars Muhl developed already as a 9-year-old a sensitivity opening him up towards other peoples’ pains and thoughts. Its devastating effects meant that Lars was not able to attend school. In 1964 he received Hazrat Inayat Khan’s book ‘Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan’ by anonymous post. The book marked the beginning of a lifelong study of the world’s religions and spiritual traditions.
Early on Lars discovered the Essenes and Yeshua’s relationship to this ancient old mystery school. Lars became a musician, but continued his studies, and in 1988 he experienced a huge quantum leap through the Aramaic language that Yeshua spoke.
In 1995 he was struck by an undiagnosable illness which made him bedridden for three years. In 1998 he was healed by the seer, Calle de Montségur, who later became his teacher and mentor.
Lars has worked as healer, therapist and musician, and is a bestselling author of more than 20 books of which some are translated into the world’s languages and published in more than 10 countries. Lars facilitates talks and workshops all over the world and has been teaching the wisdom of Yeshua, the Magdalene and the Essenes for twenty years.
Peter Mark AdamsEnergy healer, Author
Peter Mark Adams has been fascinated by the cultivation of inner energy, altered states of consciousness, mythology, mysticism and shamanism for over 50 years. He says: “For the last 20 years or so my wife, Kenzie, and I have specialised in energy healing using Emotional Healing Techniques (EFT), Usui Reiki, Mind Connection Healing (MCH), Vivation and both rebirthing and integrative style breathwork. Some of our most intriguing cases of healing, and their larger implications for our understanding of consciousness and the field of life, are explored in my recent book, The Power of the Healing Field. As a professional author my non-fiction is published by Inner Traditions and Scarlet Imprint; literary prose and poetry by Corbel Stone Press and book reviews by Paralibrum.”
Phyllida Anam-ÁireWriter, Singer, Psychotherapist
Phyllida Anam-Áire is a mother, grandmother, former Irish nun, writer, poet, traditional Irish singer, psychotherapist and teacher of Sacred Ritual. Phyllida is the author of four published books and two poetry books. Her book A Celtic Book of Dying is now included in reading list for palliative care workers.
John Stuart ReidAcoustics pioneer, Researcher
John Stuart Reid is an acoustic-physics scientist working in the field of cymatics, and his CymaScope invention has changed our perception of sound: seeing sound allows us to understand this omnipresent aspect of our world and universe more fully and deeply. In his frequent lectures, he shares ground-breaking information on the mechanisms that underpin sound therapy, and how it can be applied to improve health naturally. His research in the fields of Sound Therapy and Music Medicine is helping to advance this important new field in the scientific arena, including a scientific study on differentiating between the sounds emitted by healthy cells and cancer cells – see John also recently authored a chapter on Sound Therapy and Music Medicine for a new medical text book, which is available as free e-book download from:
Anders HolteSinger, Musician
After a spiritual experience classically trained singer and musician Anders Holte discovered the “Power of One Tone” and began creating his own music. Following two music albums consisting only of Anders’ voice without the use of instruments, he continued his work together with his partner musician Cacina Meadu.
Today Anders and Cacina are pioneers of multidimensional music and have worked with the alchemy of sound, consciousness and music for almost two decades.
In the award-winning documentary ‘The 1 Field’ Anders and Cacina performed their music live as part of a first-of-its-kind scientific experiment conducted by world-renowned sound researcher John Stuart Reid. This ‘concert for human blood’ caused an unprecedented revitalisation of red blood cells and marked the beginning of their collaboration with John Stuart Reid.
Anders & Cacina perform, present and teach about sound and consciousness at live events in Europe, USA, and Asia as well as online.
Their music is known for its unique frequency and vibrational quality. It speaks to people of all ages and cultures and is being used worldwide for deep inner connection, meditation and healings of all kinds.