Dr Sally Denham-Vaughan – Transformational Self Process: Egological and Relational Dimensions
How do we shift our consciousness from Ego to Eco?
As we emerge from the Global Pandemic, interest in, and the need for, practical ways of healing and transforming consciousness have never been greater. In the human and non-human world, we witness and sense the threats of disease, reducing biodiversity and exacerbating climate change. Yet despite many advances, considerable disagreement remains regarding the epistemological and ontological conditions that will shift our consciousness to best enable human flourishing and stewarding of life on the planet.
In this lecture, Sally will offer her experience as a psychologist, gestalt psychotherapist, organisational consultant and executive coach, who has accompanied individuals, teams and organisations seeking to transform their consciousness and enhance their sense of purpose. She has created/co-created a range of academic and practitioner programmes including theory, experiential inquiry and self-transformational processes that outline epistemological and ontic dimensions of experience.
In this lecture she will introduce the “SOS” model, the paradigms of “Will and Grace”, “Egological and Ecological Self Organisation” and discuss how a dialectical tension between these two states of consciousness can be employed to support our human existence in a state she terms “Ethical Presence”. She will offer opportunity for personal reflection on what matters in life, theoretical discussion, asking questions and reviewing ethical implications for how we live. Expect no answers on the night!
About the speaker:
Dr Sally Denham-Vaughan is qualified in Clinical, Counselling and Coaching Psychology, Gestalt Psychotherapy and Organisational practice. She is the author of many papers/chapters. From the mid 80’s she worked in the NHS as a District Psychologist and Consultant Clinical Lead and held a number of university appointments lecturing in Gestalt Psychotherapy, Leadership and Change Management. She now works internationally as a Registered Coaching Psychologist/Supervisor and Organisational Consultant. She is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the British Gestalt Journal, Academic Advisor to the Doctoral programme at Metanoia Institute/Middlesex University. Her doctorate was titled “Re-enchantment of Psychological Services: Organisational Strategy, Leadership and Implementation”. She is the Co-Founder of Relational Change, an International Organisation specialising in training, researching and developing Relational/Ecological Approaches: www.relationalchange.org.
Note: all bookings will receive a link to view the RECORDING
Sally Denham-VaughanAuthor, Researcher, Psychologist
Dr Sally Denham-Vaughan is qualified in Clinical, Counselling and Coaching Psychology, Gestalt Psychotherapy and Organisational practice. She is the author of many papers/chapters. From the mid 80’s she worked in the NHS as a District Psychologist and Consultant Clinical Lead and held a number of university appointments lecturing in Gestalt Psychotherapy, Leadership and Change Management. She now works internationally as a Registered Coaching Psychologist/Supervisor and Organisational Consultant. She is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the British Gestalt Journal, Academic Advisor to the Doctoral programme at Metanoia Institute/Middlesex University. Her doctorate was titled “Re-enchantment of Psychological Services: Organisational Strategy, Leadership and Implementation”. She is the Co-Founder of Relational Change, an International Organisation specialising in training, researching and developing Relational/Ecological Approaches: www.relationalchange.org.