London Group

The London Group which used to meet physically until March 2020 is for the moment suspended. Having turned to online presentations due to the pandemic, those meetings are now presented as webinars in the series Consciousness Perspectives Forum.

With regards to the physical meetings of the London group, further information will be provided as soon as it starts meeting again under its new convenor.

A message from Jacqui Nielsen

(board member responsible for local groups)

Claudia Nielsen, PhD, MA, is a Vice President of the Scientific and Medical Network, former member of the board and one of the most loved and respected members of our organization.

To those of you who live in London or the home counties and who may have attended meetings of the London Group in Claudia’s home she will be familiar as the convenor and hostess of those meetings.

These meetings ran every month for many years. They have brought together distinguished speakers, often those at the forefront in their fields, and those SMN members fortunate enough to live in and around London as well as interested members of the public. Claudia’s London Group became the flagship for SMN local groups.
I want to take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude to Claudia for her unremitting efforts over the years and her continuing work online.

It is hard to imagine the life of the SMN in London without the London Group meetings. Of course, with the COVID crisis we have in fact been experiencing just that as we have in many other areas of life. However, as you will almost all be aware the program of meetings that Claudia had prepared has in fact been delivered online.
This has made it available not only to those accustomed to attend the London Group but to a wider SMN audience and beyond. It has been a very practical support to the SMN in a time of dearth.

Claudia is continuing these online talks now that she has moved away from London to be nearer her family. This means that the old format of talks will not resume at Claudia’s place in London even when things fully return to normal or “the new normal”.

However, it is still important that there should be a hub for members in London. The old group is, therefore, continuing at a new venue with Edi Bilimoria as convenor. The first of the physical meetings has now been held on 19th July with our president Bernard Carr as the speaker.
Because of the renewed concerns expressed by the government and recently also by the WHO there are no immediate plans for further physical meetings until there is a more definitive easing in the Covid situation. However, members living in London and the home counties can be assured that the London Group is alive and well and just in hibernation.

When further physical meetings of the group are scheduled they will be announced on the London Group pages.

Jacqui Nielsen








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