20th Transpersonal Psychology Section Annual Conference: Spirituality, Psychology & Wellbeing: Transpersonal Psychology in Practice
Friday 16th September – Sunday 18th September 2016 – Highgate House, Northamptonshire
The Transpersonal Psychology Section takes as its theme for this year’s Annual Conference: ‘Spirituality, Psychology & Wellbeing: Transpersonal Psychology in Practice’, reflecting the Section’s longstanding interest in the relationship between spiritual beliefs and practices and the wellbeing of practitioners, as well as the communities of which they are part. That relationship can take many forms, from the impacts of secular approaches to ‘mindfulness’ in the classroom and GP surgery, to the adoption of transpersonal perspectives in making sense of spiritual crises. Transpersonal psychology takes a critical perspective in evaluating these claims and practices, researching their value and evaluating their relationships to ideas promulgated in Psychology. The conference will explore these themes in relation to the intersection between transpersonal psychology, positive psychology, psychotherapy and psychosis.
Keynote speakers
William Bloom, Spiritual Companions Trust
“Sub-personalities and meditation: The psychology and physiology of herding cats”
Isabel Clarke, Consultant Clinical Psychologist
“Psychosis, spirituality and beyond: Finding your way and helping others”
Glenn Hartelius, California Institute of Integral Studies
“Body maps of attention: Tools to simplify spiritual practices for wellbeing”
Itai Ivtzan, University of East London
“Second wave positive psychology: Self-transcendence and wellbeing”