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Nexus; A Brief History of Information Networks From Stone Age to AI
Harari’s latest book, ‘Nexus’ is about the history of information networks, progressing from the invention of writing, moving on to printing, and then
The UFO Paradox
As a currently widening out contentious issue, Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), or better, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) have for the past e
Follow The $cience
Sharyl Attkisson has been a genuinely independent investigative journalist for over 40 years with such outlets as CBS News, PBS, and CNN. It is fittin
This is a book of extraordinary subtlety and brilliance, combining prose, poetry in a different font, paintings by her associates, and collages with t
Lest We Lose Love
Subtitled ‘rediscovering the core of Western culture,’ this book is absolutely essential reading at this time when the predominant interests on the pl