BPS Conference on Psychogenesis: the Effect of Mind on Body, Brain and Experience
The Effect of Mind on Body, Brain & Experience
BPSConsciousness & Experiential Psychology Section (CEP) 21st Annual Conference
Friday 13 – Sunday 15 September 2019
University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton
The evidence for mental influences on states of the body, brain and phenomenal experience (psychogenesis) is extensive, for example in the study of psychosomatics, functional disorders in psychiatry and neurology, psychoneuroimmunology, placebo effects in medicine, and research on the physiological and psychological consequences of meditation, visual imagery, bio/neurofeedback and hypnosis on body, brain and phenomenal experience.Within science and clinical practice, it is largely taken for granted that physical causes can have physical effects and, in certain cases, mental effects, for examples changes in body and brain can produce changes in consciousness. However, that mental causes can have physical, as well as mental effects has sometimes been regarded as problematic. This interdisciplinary conference will examine empirical, clinical and theoretical approaches as well as evidence on how these relationships can be explored and understood. All perspectives welcome. Open to all.
Call for Papers
We invite papers, symposia, and workshop submissions on the following topics and any other areas that address the conference theme:
•placebos, psychoneuroimmunology, psychosomatics
•biofeedback, hypnosis, use of imagery in psychotherapy, healing and sport psychology
•physiological effects of meditation, exceptional mental control of body states
•causal efficacy of intention and related mental states, including self-healing
•theoretical understanding of mind/body relationships including differences in Eastern and Western understanding of these relationships
Submission deadline for papers, symposia and workshops is 1 July 2019 and posters 1 August 2019.
There are five Bursaries available.
For further details see