Charlie Morley – Lucid Dreaming: Transformation While You Sleep

In this talk, author and Buddhist lucid dreaming teacher Charlie Morley explores how lucid dreaming can be of both spiritual and psychological benefit, as well as transforming the third of our lives that we spend asleep.

Lucid dreaming can be used to consciously direct the dream so that we can learn, train, meditate and gain answers to some of life’s biggest questions while we dream. Sourced from over 10 years of teaching the subject, Charlie’s talk will open you up to the possibility of engaging deep change while you sleep deeply.

Lucid dreaming practices have been used for thousands of years by the Tibetan Buddhists, Mexican Shamans and Sufis mystics who knew that the dream state was a “thin place” where the veil between the material and the mystical was permeable and so could be used to facilitate powerful healing of both the body and mind.

CHARLIE MORLEY is a bestselling author and teacher of lucid dreaming & shadow integration. He was “authorised to teach” within the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism by Lama Yeshe Rinpoche in 2008 and has since developed a holistic approach to dream work called Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep and written three books which have been translated into 13 languages. He’s spoken about lucid dreaming at Cambridge University,  Buddhism and youth culture at The Houses of Parliament, is a regular expert panellist for the Guardian and has been named one of The Next Generation of Meditation Teachers.   In 2018 he was awarded a Churchill Fellowship grant to research “mindfulness based PTSD treatment” and continues to teach on retreats for armed forces veterans.