Nicholas Colloff Dom Bede Griffiths A Universalist Christian Mystic

Nicholas Colloff – Dom Bede Griffiths: A Universalist Christian Mystic

“Beyond it all is this undivided wholeness and it is that wholeness which we are all seeking. We are all fragmented but we have this longing for the whole, for the One…”

Rooted in his own Christian faith and exploration, the Benedictine monk Father Bede speaks to all of us who feel there must be one God, one reality underlying all religions, and who feel that it must be genuinely transformative of our lives individually and in community. In bringing this reality to an experienced fullness in his own life, in profound dialogue with other spiritual traditions, he shares it generously with all of us through the witness of his remarkable life, the foundation of Shantivanam as a Christian ashram in South India, and his insightful, wise writings. In this webinar, Colloff will take us on a compelling journey to the divine Centre, into the divine feminine, and outwards into a renewed life in love. 


About the speaker:

Nicholas Colloff e1723840345936


Nicholas Colloff OBE studied theology, philosophy and the psychology of religion at the University of London. He is the co-founder of the Prison Phoenix Trust that teaches meditation and yoga to people in prison that grew out of a research project on religious experience under conditions of imprisonment at the Sir Alister Hardy Unit in Oxford. Subsequently, over thirty years, he has worked in diverse fields (literacy, mental health, international development) designing evidence-based organisational solutions to complex social/economic problems. He has coupled this with spending extended periods in Christian contemplative ashrams directly inspired by Bede Griffiths’ community at Shantivanam. He is presently the Executive Director of the Argidius Foundation, based in Switzerland.



Please note: This event is included in the Season Ticket.

All bookings will receive a link to view the RECORDING.


Wed, 25 September 2024
Event has passed


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Wed, 25 September 2024
  • Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


Season Ticket,




  • Nicholas Colloff
    Nicholas Colloff
    Executive Director of the Argidius Foundation

    Nicholas Colloff studied theology, philosophy and the psychology of religion at the University of London. He is the co-founder of the Prison Phoenix Trust that teaches meditation and yoga to people in prison that grew out of a research project on religious experience under conditions of imprisonment at the Sir Alaster Hardy Unit in Oxford. Subsequently, over thirty years, he has worked in diverse fields (literacy, mental health, international development) designing evidence-based organisational solutions to complex social/economic problems. He has coupled this with spending extended periods in Christian contemplative ashrams. He is presently the Executive Director of the Argidius Foundation, based in Switzerland.