Dr Jude Currivan – The Story of Gaia: The Big Breath and the Evolutionary Journey of our Conscious Planet
Why and how does this emergent cosmology of a conscious and evolutionary Universe matter – and why now?
Exploring our emergence as self-aware members of a planetary home and entire Universe that is a unified and innately sentient entity, Jude Currivan, PhD, shows that mind and consciousness are not what we possess but what we and the whole world fundamentally are. She reveals our Universe as “a great thought of cosmic mind,” – manifesting as a cosmic hologram of meaningful in-formation that vitally, exists to evolve.
Sharing leading-edge scientific breakthroughs, and showing how they support traditional visions of Earth as a living being—Gaia, the author details the 13.8 billion-year story of our Universe and Gaia, where everything in existence has inherent meaning and evolutionary purpose. Showing how the Universe was born, not in an implicitly chaotic big bang, but as the first moment of a fine-tuned and ongoing “big breath,” she shares the latest evidence for the innate sentience that has guided our universal journey from simplicity to ever-greater complexity, diversity, and self-awareness – from protons to planets, plants, and people. She explains how evolution is not driven by random occurrences and mutations but by profoundly resonant and harmonic interplays of forces and influences, each intelligently informed and guided.
Currivan shows how, in Gaia, the Universe’s evolutionary impulse is embodied in collaborative relationships and dynamic co-evolutionary partnerships on a planetary scale and as a wholistic gaiasphere. She reveals how the conscious evolution of humanity is an integral part of Gaia’s own evolutionary progress and purpose. And, as she explains in vivid and moving detail, by perceiving and experiencing our planet as a sentient being and ourselves as Gaians, we open ourselves to a deeply ecological, evolutionary, and, above all, hopeful worldview.
“The Story of Gaia is destined to become a cornerstone for the cosmology of the new millennium. Currivan invites us on an extraordinary journey that gives our mind the reason to accept what our heart already knows—that we’re born into a universe that supports us, and our evolution, as an integral part of a larger evolutionary process. I love this book!”
Gregg Braden, scientist and New York Times bestselling author of The Divine Matrix
“To read this book is to be enhanced, empowered and evolved into the receiving of a consciousness that evokes the higher human intelligence yearning to unfold in this time of change, trauma, and the coming of a world that works for all.”
Jean Houston, Ph.D., scholar, a principal founder of the Human Potential Movement, coauthor of the Future Humans Trilogy
About the speaker:

Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist and author. Previously one of the most senior international UK-based business women and co-founder of WholeWorld-View, she is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders circle. She has experienced multidimensional realities since early childhood, holds a PhD in Anthropological Archaeology researching ancient cosmologies and a Master’s Degree in Physics from Oxford University, specializing in cosmology and quantum physics. International best-selling and award-winning author, most recently The Cosmic Hologram. Her new book sharing the journey of our conscious, unified and evolutionary Universe and planetary home, is The Story of Gaia. Her work integrates leading-edge science and universal wisdom teachings, aiming to serve humanity’s understanding, experiencing and embodying unitive consciousness. Find out more at: www.judecurrivan.com.
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Jude CurrivanCosmologist, Author
Dr Jude Currivan has a master’s degree in physics from Oxford University and a doctorate in archaeology from the University of Reading. She is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author who was previously one of the most senior business women in the UK and in 2017 she co-founded WholeWorld-View. Integrating leading edge science, research into consciousness, and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic world-view underpins her work serving conscious evolution and empowering transformational and emergent resolutions to collective human and planetary issues. For over two decades she has also travelled around the world in service to planetary healing. A member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle (www.evolutionaryleaders.net) she is also the international and award-winning author of six books to date, latterly The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation. Her next book, Gaia: Her-Story will be published in 2022.