
Dr Sally Goerner – On the Cusp of Great Change: How Science 2.0 can Support a New Enlightenment

What if energy were seen as the basis of all reality?


Join Dr Sally Goerner to see how head, heart, hands, and even consciousness and spirit, fit together seamlessly in this retrospectively obvious, energy-based worldview.


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What if today’s Energy System Sciences transformed our traditional scientific view of the cosmos, humanity and societal health in a way that was logical, practical, rigorous, and heart-warming at the same time? What if the result provided a unifying framework and solid foundation for a new Enlightenment emerging in today’s myriad social, economic, political and environmental efforts to save civilization?

About the speaker:


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Dr Sally Goerner  specialises in showing how today’s Energy System Sciences produce a rigorous view of humanity as a  collaborative learning species,  as well as a more logical, practical and heart-warming explanation of how to make civilisation sustainably vibrant. She then s hows how this new stage of science (Science 2.0) provides a solid foundation and a unifying framework for a new Enlightenment already emerging in today’s myriad of social, economic, political and environmental reform efforts. Here, the goal is to save civilisation from the ravages of oligarchic  capitalism by  building healthy human networks around common-cause culture and ongoing regenerative learning. With advanced degrees in engineering, systems physics, and psychology, Dr Goerner is currently the Research Director for Edinburgh University’s Planetary Health Lab; Managing Director of the Research Alliance for Regenerative Economics (RARE); and former Science Advisor to the Capital Institute. 


Wed, 31 March 2021
Event has passed


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Wed, 31 March 2021
  • Time: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm




  • Sally Goerner
    Sally Goerner
    Author, Speaker

    Dr Sally Goerner  specialises in showing how today’s Energy System Sciences produce a rigorous view of humanity as a  collaborative learning species,  as well as a more logical, practical and heart-warming explanation of how to make civilisation sustainably vibrant. She then s hows how this new stage of science (Science 2.0) provides a solid foundation and a unifying framework for a new Enlightenment already emerging in today’s myriad of social, economic, political and environmental reform efforts. Here, the goal is to save civilisation from the ravages of oligarchic  capitalism by  building healthy human networks around common-cause culture and ongoing regenerative learning. With advanced degrees in engineering, systems physics, and psychology, Dr Goerner is currently the Research Director for Edinburgh University’s Planetary Health Lab; Managing Director of the Research Alliance for Regenerative Economics (RARE); and former Science Advisor to the Capital Institute.