Jubilee AGM 1

Golden Jubilee Annual Gathering 2023

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Fri, 7 July 2023
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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Fri, 7 July 2023


  • Louise Livingstone
    Louise Livingstone
    Founder of the Heart Sense Research Institute

    Louise Livingstone, PhD, is Founder of the Heart Sense Research Institute. She has an MSc in Holistic Science with distinction from the Schumacher College in Devon, UK, and a PhD from Canterbury Christ Church University in Transformative Learning. During her research she spent four years in deep conversation with her own heart, diving deeply into its many layers and learning its wisdom. Her work aims to re-imagine the long-forgotten, wise and intelligent heart for contemporary times; guiding individuals into the numerous layers of their own hearts, illuminating different hearts to help navigate daily life with heart-based awareness. Louise has a flourishing private mentoring practice, and runs a three-month introduction to Heart Sense personal development course based on her research, within which participants meet four different hearts. She also runs a one-year apprenticeship; a programme within which participants work deeply with six more hearts.

  • Joan Walton
    Joan Walton
    University researcher and educator

    Dr Joan Walton’s first degree was in Social Theory and Institutions (University of Bangor, North Wales). Following University, she travelled for a year in India and South East Asia, including working in one of Mother Teresa’s children’s homes in Calcutta. Her early professional career was in social work, mainly working with children and families in residential and community settings. In 1995 she established an independent Centre for Action Research and Education, which enabled her to be involved in a wide range of staff development and research projects in the public, private and not-for profit sectors. Following completion of her PhD in 2008, she had a career change, and entered the academic world, initially at Liverpool Hope University, and now at York St John University in the School of Education.

  • Marilyn Monk
    Marilyn Monk
    Professor Emerita at University College London Institute of Child Health

    Prof Marilyn Monk, BScHons, MScHons, PhD is Professor Emerita at University College London Institute of Child Health. She has been a research scientist for 60 years, university lecturer, head of UCL Molecular Embryology Unit, and has published over 200 scholarly papers. She is known for her work on DNA replication and repair, amoeboid cell signalling, regulation of differential gene expression in development, discovery and establishment of epigenetics, discovery of deprogramming to stem cells and, technically, the miniaturization of molecular analyses to the sensitivity of the single cell. Her pioneering work on preimplantation diagnosis of genetic disease earned her an invitation from the Nobel Secretariat to speak at Karlskoga. Marilyn Monk is also an Alexander Technique teacher and Psychosynthesis Counsellor.

  • Paul Filmore
    Paul Filmore
    Physicist, SMN Chair

    Paul Filmore lectures in personal and professional development, entrepreneurship, electronics and business management, predominantly to postgraduates at the University of Plymouth, after having been a research physicist for many years. His current research is in creativity and break-through problem solving both for the individual and organisations. He gives talks around the world and is a regular judge for international innovation competitions. He also runs an educational consultancy. He always looks for opportunities to incorporate the spiritual aspect in his research talks, workshops and teaching.

    He has a very great interest in all areas of education and with his wife Catherine, jointly ran the original Network student ‘Wider Horizons’ course, for many years. He has been active in the Network for over forty years, since meeting George Blaker and Peter Leggett as an undergraduate, and attending the very first Wider Horizons course. A few years later he became a trustee of the SMN, at George Blaker’s request, and has been until summer 2015, when he switched roles to be chairman.

  • Andrew Powell
    Andrew Powell
    Psychotherapist, Author

    Dr Andrew Powell graduated from Cambridge University with distinction in medicine. After postgraduate studies in general medicine and psychiatry, Andrew trained in psychotherapy at the Maudsley Hospital and subsequently held consultant and academic posts in London and Oxford. Having specialised in psycho-analytic and group-analytic therapies, his clinical practice later extended to psychodrama, spiritual healing and transpersonal psychology. Andrew is co-editor of Spirituality and Narrative in Psychiatric Practice: Stories of Mind and Soul (RCPsych Publications 2016) and Spirituality and Psychiatry (Cambridge University Press 2022). He is author of the companion volumes, The Ways of the Soul. A Psychiatrist Reflects: Essays on Life, Death and Beyond (Aeon Books, 2017) and Conversations with the Soul (Muswell Hill Press 2018). Andrew is Founding Chair of the Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK., and a Vice-President of the Scientific and Medical Network.

  • Paul Kieniewicz
    Paul Kieniewicz
    Astronomer and Geologist

    Paul Kieniewicz was born in Scotland, and holds degrees in Astronomy and Geophysics. He is Vice-Chairman of the Scientific and Medical Network. More recently he lives in Poland, where he lectures and writes on Gnosticism, translating Gnostic texts into Polish. He is the author of science fiction novels, Immortality Machine and Gaia’s Children, and co-author (With Andrew Glazewski) of Harmony of the Universe and The Cosmic View.

  • David Lorimer
    David Lorimer
    Writer, Lecturer, Poet, Editor

    David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA is a visionary polymath – writer, lecturer, poet and editor who is a Founder of Character Education Scotland, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network  and former President of Wrekin Trust and the Swedenborg Society. David is also the Editor of Paradigm Explorer, and Chair of the Galileo Commission, which seeks the expand the evidence base of science of consciousness beyond a materialistic world view.

    Originally a merchant banker then a teacher of philosophy and modern languages at Winchester College, he is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including Survival? Death as Transition (1984,2017) Resonant Mind (originally Whole in One) (1990/2017), The Spirit of Science (1998), Thinking Beyond the Brain (2001), The Protein Crunch (with Jason Drew) and A New Renaissance (edited with Oliver Robinson). He has edited three books about the Bulgarian sage Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov): Prophet for our Times (1991, 2015), The Circle of Sacred Dance, and Gems of Love, which is a translation of his prayers and formulas into English. His book on the ideas and work of the Prince of Wales – Radical Prince (2003) – has been translated into Dutch, Spanish and French. His most recent books are A Quest for Wisdom and his collection of poems, Better Light a Candle.

  • Peter Fenwick
    Peter Fenwick
    Emeritus Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Emeritus Senior Lecturer

    Dr Peter Fenwick is Emeritus Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Maudsley Hospital and Emeritus Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry. His other appointments included Consultant Neurophysiologist at St. Thomas’s, Westminster and Broadmoor Hospitals. For ten years he was a Trustee of the Prince of Wales Foundation for Integrated Health. He is President of the Scientific and Medical Network and of the Horizon Foundation and is former Chair of the Board, The Study Society. He is the author, with his wife Elizabeth, of many books on consciousness and death, most recently The Art of Dying. His autobiography, Shining Light on Transcendence, was published last year.

  • Vasileios Basios
    Vasileios Basios
    Physicist, Senior researcher

    Dr Vasileios Basios is a physicist, conducting interdisciplinary research on the foundations of complexity science and nonlinear systems, self-organization and complex matter. During his formative years, he was tutored by Ilya Prigogine (Nobel Laureate) at the Solvay Institutes in ULB and by Emilios Bouratinos on meditation and philosophy. He is interested in the complex interface between action and information and the history of ideas in science and their role in the transformation of science beyond the prevailing naïve materialistic reductionistic world-view. With others from PEAR Lab, he initiated the Mind-Matter-Mapping Project and has since published essays for ICRL where he now serves as a Trustee. He is a member of the Board of the Scientific and Medical Network and the Steering Team of the Galileo Commission.

  • Bernard Carr
    Bernard Carr
    Emeritus Professor, SMN President

    Prof Bernard Carr is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary University of London. For his PhD, he studied the first second of the universe with Stephen Hawking at Cambridge University and Caltech. His professional area of research is cosmology and astrophysics and includes such topics as the early universe, black holes, dark matter, and the anthropic principle. He is a former chairman and current President of the Scientific and Medical Network and a former President of the Society for Psychical Research.

  • Rosy Daniel
    Rosy Daniel
    Doctor, Author, Teacher

    Dr Rosy Daniel has been a passionate advocate of natural healthcare, yoga and spiritual healing since 1985 and she is very proud to have been former Medical Director of the Bristol Cancer Help Centre (now Penny Brohn UK) where she worked with Pat Pilkington, Penny Brohn and the highly supportive patronage of HRH the Prince of Wales until 2000; Patron of the British Wheel of Yoga; and Patron of The Healing Trust. In her Medical Practice she guides the regeneration of positive health for those with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, obesity, arthritis and stress-related illness. In 2015 she received the international ‘Earth Champions Award’ for her ‘outstanding contribution to health and wellbeing’ because of the inclusion of environmental factors in her Health Creation model; and in 2016 she received a ‘Woman of Spirit’ award from Dadi Janki, leader of the Brahma Kumaris for her recognition of the vital role of spirit in healthcare, health and wellbeing.