Dr Matt Segall – Schelling and the Return of Organic Science
Why did the mechanistic world view come to dominate modern consciousness?
Though usually remembered as a German Idealist, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (1775-1854) was also a pioneering philosopher of nature. Indeed, it is his resistance to the idealistic overreach of some of his contemporaries that makes his approach unique and of enduring relevance for our own time. At the turn of the 19th century, he attempted to integrate the then new paradigm natural sciences of his own day with the moral, aesthetic, and epistemic presuppositions of human self-consciousness into an organic, evolutionary cosmology. His work represents an alternative to the mechanistic world view that has only grown more viable in light of post-classical revolutions in physics and the rise of the sciences of complexity.
About the speaker:
Matthew David Segall, PhD, is a transdisciplinary researcher, writer, teacher, and philosopher applying process-relational thought across the natural and social sciences, as well as to the study of consciousness. He is Associate Professor in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness Program at California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, CA and the Chair of the Science Advisory Committee for the Cobb Institute. He is the author of numerous articles, chapters, and books, including most recently Crossing the Threshold: Etheric Imagination in the Post-Kantian Process Philosophy of Schelling and Whitehead.
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Matthew David SegallResearcher, Philosopher
Matthew David Segall, PhD, is a transdisciplinary researcher, writer, teacher, and philosopher applying process-relational thought across the natural and social sciences, as well as to the study of consciousness. He is Associate Professor in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness Program at California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, CA and the Chair of the Science Advisory Committee for the Cobb Institute. He is the author of numerous articles, chapters, and books, including most recently Crossing the Threshold: Etheric Imagination in the Post-Kantian Process Philosophy of Schelling and Whitehead.