A basis for morality

  • A basis for morality

    Posted by Paul Kieniewicz on 28 August 2021 at 12:40 pm

    19:33:04 From Judy H : The people who only wanted to live to 70 must have been much younger than that. For me the last twelve years since 70 have been some of the most interesting!

    19:34:29 From Anne Stephens, Bradford LM : Any Dr Who fans in the audience?

    19:34:52 From Christopher Golightly : I doubt the technology will ever be generated which allows “Black Mirror” type uploads for eternity. We are not just data in a brain.

    19:36:33 From Scientific and Medical Network : Alders Huxley, After many a Summer

    19:36:49 From Scientific and Medical Network : Bernard Shaw Back to Methuselah

    19:36:56 From Branda : The Taoists had the secret of longevity and other peoples too, but we lost it!!

    19:38:03 From Linda Carroll : Could we all mute?

    19:38:57 From chrisgaal : Margaret and I have to eave at 7.pm,so it would be great if the recording could be available! Sorry to have to leave early. Chris

    19:44:05 From Anne Stephens, Bradford LM : feeling somewhat Futilitarian…

    19:44:10 From Marilyn : here is the article again for you toread

    19:44:27 From Marilyn : https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/11/why-we-fightand-can-we-stop/309525/

    19:52:26 From Chrissy Philp : Thank you Kelly. I must leave now but I am glad to have been able to listen.

    19:52:39 From Heather McCombie : I am a firm believer in a continued existence and find this comforting, not least from the point of view that if I feel I have done something not right for which someone else has suffered in this life, I will have an opportunity to ‘make up’ for this in my next lifetime…

    19:53:16 From Linda Carroll : I think it’s very limiting to pose an ‘infinite’ sense of existence that marginalises those who don’t see life as an infinite prospect.

    19:53:56 From Judy H : Yes, I agree Heather. It is very consoling to think one may be able to make up for mistakes in this life.

    19:56:34 From Linda Carroll : If we are fortunate enough to have had a loving upbringing that is a positive contribution to sensitising ourselves to others. A moral/ethical stance like empathy/compassion/kindness is imagining others as ourselves.

    19:59:07 From Linda Carroll : Thank you Chris – that was beautifully expressed. Relational beings embodied beings embedded in the natural world..

    19:59:11 From Judy H : Thank you Chris. You have expressed what I was thinking. Why should one not like (or love) other people and wish the best for them?

    20:00:10 From Linda Carroll : Our relational kinship to ALL sentient beings.

    20:03:16 From Linda Carroll : The emotional/feeling/affectionate basis of imaging others as ourselves is so important.

    20:03:50 From Linda Carroll : That’s great Suzanne.

    20:04:40 From Silvia K : My daughter says to her daughters “Be gentle and kind” all the time. Especially when they fall out with each other.

    20:05:18 From Linda Carroll : We must experience ourselves in a web of life – an ecology of consciousness and the meta=cognition of which Kally speaks.

    20:07:10 From Linda Carroll : The primary relationship with the mother and the reciprocal nourishing of both is foundational.

    20:08:52 From Andrew Greenfield Walker : There is a UK charity which addresses education of children in ‘kindness’ and spiritual development – named Spiritual Companions Trust – founded by William Bloom who used to direct the Alternatives Programmes at St James’s, Picadilly, London.

    20:10:03 From Linda Carroll : My God! Horrific reality. Horrendous decisions.

    20:10:43 From Linda Carroll : It must be incredible suffering of conscience.

    20:11:01 From Linda Carroll : But it was not wilfully.

    20:11:38 From Heather McCombie : I just have a gut feeling that I would save my own children, whatever the moral implications…

    20:11:38 From Linda Carroll : The complexity of such moral choices is profound.

    20:13:16 From Heather McCombie : That is my role – I am their mother, that’s my prime impetus, to save my children

    20:13:23 From Linda Carroll : Terror and fear can only be imagined extremely difficult to ‘judge’ such actions.

    20:14:30 From Linda Carroll : The ‘infinite’ question is beyond me.

    20:15:38 From Judy H : But for us, at present, this is a rather abstract moral question. The immediate problem is how we can educate our society so that this sort of thing doesn’t happen. In other words how can we raise our consciousness to a higher level so that we don’t constantly fight or compete.

    20:16:53 From Natalie Tobert : Judy yes – how can we educate ourselves so we don’t fight and compete

    20:17:23 From Judy H : The Continuum Concept (can’t find my copy)

    20:17:37 From Linda Carroll : Morality must never be abstract – it is then an ideology. Nazism and ALL kinds of fascism and totalitarianism We must delve into our deepest sense of belonging to the holistic nature of existence.

    20:18:33 From Linda Carroll : Yes, that’s great Verena , we are Already, in fact ONE.

    20:21:07 From Natalie Tobert : The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

    20:22:21 From Natalie Tobert : The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a 2008 tragedy film written and directed by Mark Herman. It is based on the 2006 novel of the same name by John Boyne. Set in World War II, the Holocaust drama relates the horror of a Nazi extermination camp through the eyes of two 8-year-old boys: Bruno (Asa Butterfield), the son of the camp’s Nazi commander, and Shmuel (Jack Scanlon), a Jewish prisoner.

    20:22:59 From Linda Carroll : But it’s NOT a concept, it is the truth -that must be instilled from the earliest age.

    20:27:41 From Linda Carroll : But what about the Victims here and now?

    20:28:37 From Linda Carroll : That’s the huge problem for trying establish universal morality.

    20:30:08 From Debra : Thank you. I apologize, but I need to leave early today

    20:30:43 From Helena : I’m a rebel without a cause …. happy to break rules and not follow convention : )

    20:31:22 From Judy H : Yes, sometimes it is brave to protest and not to follow the law like a sheep!

    20:36:29 From Suzanne Taylor : What if Schools Taught Kindness?https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_if_schools_taught_kindness

    20:38:36 From Natalie T : duty without ethics is not wisdom

    20:39:50 From Verena Davis : What if parents, families, communities, cultures taught kindness.

    20:40:21 From Linda Carroll : At the moment the City of London is being targeted by Extinction Rebellion to highlight the ‘White patriarchy of colonialism/racism/ and the brutality of the expansive/extractive/exploitative drive of blind greed and blatant power. We are living through the meta-cognitive history of, hopefully, a new paradigm shift of consciousness. and conscience.

    20:43:04 From Linda Carroll : The heart of humanity is the essence of our potential to LOVE. Truth is a difficult one? I don’t think we can hope for an objective Truth.

    20:43:32 From Heather McCombie : Sorry have to go now, fascinating discussion – thank you everyone especially Kally

    20:43:50 From Kally : Thank you Alan there’s a lot for me to think about from what you said! Could you link the text you mentioned please

    20:44:02 From Kally : Thank you Helen! Take care

    20:44:11 From Kally : Apologies thank you Heather 🙂

    20:45:05 From Verena Davis : Correction: not taught kindness, but model it by living it – idealistic I know, but you present children with hypocrisy expecting them to behave kindly but not giving them those living conditions.

    20:45:30 From Tonya Reed : Thank you Alan for the knowledge from the Bhagavad Gita.

    20:46:41 From Silvia K : The discussion this evening has been so thought provoking. Thank you everyone for your contributions.

    20:50:02 From Verena Davis : Its our soul choosing to return, not the ego.

    20:50:14 From sue : Yes, in my view our journey requires us to find out what we need to do in this life not to anticipate working it out in the next life.

    20:50:54 From Leslie : YEs, Verena!

    20:50:55 From Tonya Reed : @Paul, will today’s replay be posted on the SMN Website in the Group? I signed on late, so missed most of Kally’s presentation.

    20:51:03 From Alan Malby : Kally, the Bhagavad Gita, often referred to as the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is key part of a long epic, the Mahabharata. The version, 80 pages, I read from was translated by Shri Purohit Swami https://www.amazon.co.uk/Geeta-Shree-Purohit-Swami/dp/8129100738/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=geeta+Purohit&qid=1630090097&sr=8-1

    20:51:07 From Tonya Reed to Scientific and Medical Network (Privately) : @Paul, will today’s replay be posted on the SMN Website in the Group? I signed on late, so missed most of Kally’s presentation.

    20:51:31 From Scientific and Medical Network to Tonya Reed (Privately) : I’ll try and arrange it

    20:51:51 From Tonya Reed to Scientific and Medical Network (Privately) : Thank you so much! 🙂

    20:53:02 From Alan Malby : Chapters address the way of knowledge, the way of devotion, the way of action. As you can imagine there are numerous commentaries.

    20:53:41 From Kally : Thanks Alan I will definitely look that up many thanks for posting the link.

    20:53:58 From Leslie : Thanks, Alan

    20:55:22 From Linda Carroll : Thank you so much Kally – this has been a great discussion. Such an incredibly complex issue. SO IMPORTANT.

    20:57:33 From Linda Carroll : Yes, do the discussion Helena – from your own perspective.

    20:57:38 From Kally : Thanks Linda

    21:00:13 From Linda Carroll : Helena.

    21:01:29 From Leila Yazigi/Jeantelot : Thank you so much Kally and Paul. Great conversation. Love and Light to all

    21:01:37 From Kally : Thank you Leila!

    21:02:07 From Linda Carroll : Thank you Kally and thank you Paul – great conversation.

    21:02:39 From Helena : bert hellinger … he writes on family constellation work and ancestral healing …

    21:03:57 From Lynn Brodlie : Thank you Kally, really stimulating evening and thank you Paul and everyone.

    21:04:01 From Alan Malby : Thank you Kally and everyone

    21:04:15 From Verena Davis : Thank you Kally, Paul and all contributors and the company of participants, another great Friday evening.

    Paul Kieniewicz replied 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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