Spiritual Emergence March 19, 2021

  • Spiritual Emergence March 19, 2021

    Posted by Web Master on 22 March 2021 at 9:10 am

    19:32:36 From Natalie Tobert : https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-05-29/bald-eagles-return-to-nest-in-orange-county-neighborhood

    19:33:38 From Natalie Tobert : https://www.fox7austin.com/news/watch-bald-eagle-hatch-brand-new-baby-eggs-from-nest-in-southern-california

    19:34:31 From Suzanne Taylor : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7utMaDb1W08

    19:35:36 From Linda Carroll : It’s wonderful to have that incredible excitement about these new lives in the nest. Thanks Suzanne.

    19:40:50 From Suzanne Taylor : Here’s the mailing I sent out bout the eagles with some charming quotes: https://tinyurl.com/3apy94y3. (Get on my mailing list for other charming things, let alone transformational material.)

    19:49:50 From Scientific and Medical Network : Ken Wilber distinguishes between states and stages of consciousness/spiritual development

    19:51:08 From Denise Gurney : Stan Grof had a vision of establishing centres that folks could go to when they were having spiritual emergencies, but he found that they were not needed because people find what they need around them.

    19:52:01 From Judy Hanmer : Denise I agree. Each person has to discover their own way.

    19:52:26 From Scientific and Medical Network : Wilber also distinguishes pre-personal and transpersonal stages

    19:54:51 From Linda Carroll : Mahayana and the realization of bliss but going back to bring others towards that state.

    19:58:19 From Linda Carroll : They are transformative but is this more than the personal which inspires an ethical commitment to enlarge the oneness for others.

    20:02:06 From Lorna Rook : Can you put details of the book about spiritual emergency in the chat please

    20:02:31 From Jessica Corneille : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Spiritual-Emergency-Personal-Transformation-Consciousness/dp/0874775388

    20:04:34 From Linda Carroll : My own spiritual emergency arose from tensions within the Catholic church and my inability to contain it. My own experience was overwhelming and I had no way of interpreting it at the time.

    20:05:15 From Linda Carroll : Thank you so much Denise for expresses all these frightening experiences.

    20:07:21 From Natalie Tobert : Marianne Rankin, An Introduction to Religious and Spiritual Experience London, Continuum, 2008.

    20:07:25 From Judy Hanmer : The first book I read was by David Hay: Religious Experience Today (1990). The Religi9ous Experience centre publishes several helpful books including ‘Interpreting Religious Experience’ by Peter Donovan and ‘Seeing the Invisible’ ed. Vera Tschudin. There are probably some more up to date books.

    20:08:00 From Scientific and Medical Network : Yes the original work was by Sir Alister Hardy and Edward Robinson

    20:08:02 From Denise Gurney : The Stormy search for the self : Stan and Christina Grof

    20:08:28 From Denise Gurney : They have a couple of pages on the difference between the pathology and spiritual emergence

    20:10:16 From Linda Carroll : Archetypes of the unconscious and the powers to destroy the ego. Definitely agree with such interpretations.

    20:11:11 From Natalie Tobert : chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 in Cultural Perspectives on Mental Wellbeing, https://www.waterstones.com/book/cultural-perspectives-on-mental-wellbeing/natalie-tobert/michael-cornwall/9781785920844

    20:12:15 From Yohance Osborne : I agree Paul

    20:12:17 From Judy Hanmer : As I understand it Jung’s experiences were of a slightly different nature. He pursued what he called ‘Active Imagination’ which was intentional – he settled down each evening to ‘do’ it and the visions unrolled rather like a waking dream. I think the spiritual experiences we have been talking about are slightly different in that they occur unexpectedly, often with no warning.

    20:13:08 From Jessica Corneille : I bought your book Natalie and look forward to reading it.

    20:14:05 From Natalie Tobert : In my opinion, The key difference between benign and negative experiences, are the beliefs of the observer and the experiencer.

    20:14:22 From Natalie Tobert : Thank you Jessica – I hope you enjoy reading it !

    20:14:23 From Jessica Corneille : I agree.

    20:14:43 From Jessica Corneille : Yes, I received it yesterday! 🙂

    20:14:59 From Jessica Corneille : I’m sure I will. Such important work.

    20:15:06 From Linda Carroll : Yes, I believe that the context of ones own personal/social experience evoke the conflicts/contradictions within the human system.

    20:15:11 From Denise Gurney : I agree with Natalie, the whole awakening thing is an opportunity to examine and change your belief systems where you are rubbing up against them and they are no longer working for you

    20:16:15 From Linda Carroll : We must confront the ‘gods'[ and hope we survive the experience.

    20:16:30 From marilyn monk : I think the cessation of the illusion of the and the loss of ego identity acompany sudden wg-hoosh into an aernative reality which I experienced as

    20:17:00 From marilyn monk : the sense had disappeared and “i am that’ which I observed

    20:17:54 From marilyn monk : loss of illusion of time and disappeaance of self

    20:18:54 From Linda Carroll : Our own cultural symbols can contain and develop our processes of integration. The idea of The Holy Grail may be very different for various experiences.

    20:19:35 From Linda Carroll : The head/crown as cauldron/vessel alchemical crucible etc.

    20:20:20 From Liz Cullen : Apologies this is very interesting but I have to leave now

    20:21:32 From Suzanne Lombardo : what was the name of that book? The Eagle and the …?

    20:23:47 From Stuart Oliver : I believe that this is the book that was referred to.

    The Ego and the Dynamic Ground: A Transpersonal Theory of Human Development by Michael Washburn

    20:24:19 From Linda Carroll : As above so below.

    20:25:29 From Sue : Paul, Thank you for sharing your insights.

    20:30:33 From Helena : Yes Stuart, that’s the one : )

    20:31:27 From Kate Lindley : Corine Sombrun, a French woman, who became a shaman in Mongolia (she has written numerous books and there is a film about her experience) is working with psychiatrists and neuroscientists in France and Canada who study her brain activity when she is in a shamanic trance. Her work is most interesting – I don’t know if her work is available in English.

    20:33:06 From Jessica Corneille : Very interesting Kate! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    20:33:14 From Judy Hanmer : I was helped by a very enlightened nun!

    20:34:42 From Sue : Thank you Paul, Always in surrender, we learn. It’s just our ego that gets in the way.

    20:35:38 From Rowena Fairbairn : Yes, asking for help throughout life can be so beneficial, ego is the problem. As Sue mentions.

    20:36:44 From Scientific and Medical Network : Doris Lessing “Briefing for a descent into Hell”

    20:37:04 From Jessica Corneille : https://spiritualcrisisnetwork.uk

    20:38:23 From Natalie Tobert : Dear Peter – I was there – those first two events Isabel ran, – but I was younger then !!!

    20:39:36 From Natalie Tobert : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Psychosis-Spirituality-Second-Isabel-Clarke/dp/0470683473

    20:40:20 From Linda Carroll : For young people today what kinds of theories interpret such experiences.

    20:41:28 From Kate Lindley : When Corine Sombrun was first observed by neuroscientists and psychiatrists having a shamanic trance, they diagnosed Multiple Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia and BiPolar Disorder immediately. Beware of psychiatric diagnoses.

    20:41:48 From Natalie Tobert : https://www.studyspiritualexperiences.org/

    20:42:39 From Natalie Tobert : Research suggests that about half the population of the UK has had some kind of spiritual or religious experience.

    20:46:41 From Jessica Corneille : On the 9th and 10th April – a donation-based event with the SMN https://mysticsandscientists.org/index.php/galileo-commission-summit-ii-expanding-science-visions-of-a-postmaterialist-paradigm/

    Web Master replied 3 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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