Synchronicity – 2 April 2021

  • Synchronicity – 2 April 2021

    Posted by Paul Kieniewicz on 3 April 2021 at 7:16 am

    19:34:38 From Linda Carroll : All well, thank you.

    19:35:19 From Rowena Fairbairn : Spring has sprung in UK – nature’s wonderful palette of colour and form.

    19:36:09 From Ghislaine Young : My teacher got me into Jung when I was only 16! I thought he was cool too!

    19:59:17 From Tanya & Armando : I greatly enjoyed that Roderick, thank you : ) I would welcome you back to give us a talk on the symbolism of the Praying Mantis! (Tanya)

    20:03:37 From John Mason : Q/ Would another name, (or is there another name), for “synchronicity” lead to further interest or adoption as a phenomena of interest or result in further investigation ?

    20:10:00 From silviakogan to Scientific and Medical Network (Privately) : User’s iPadhans is not muted

    20:11:56 From Suzanne Taylor : I wonder if a person who won the lottery would have a synchronicity story about it. Why them over the many millions who bought tickets?

    20:12:02 From Michael Lingard : I had a preying mantis experience, while on holiday in France we had stopped for a brief rest and i was reading a book. Once I read the word preying mantis in the book I looked up too see a large cricket or what would seem a preying mantis looking at me a few feet away. I was shocked by the coincidence but could not understand the significance .

    20:13:11 From Michael Lingard : Are we stuck with Newtoian thinking? Only causation physical, Quantum Mechanics allows for non physical consecutiveness.

    20:16:07 From Ghislaine Young : Randomness has to be randomised!

    20:16:14 From Veronica Goodchild : How do you put up your hand

    20:17:10 From cathy kroll : You can go to “Reactions” at the bottom of your screen. There you will see the icon to raise your hand.

    20:17:11 From Michael Lingard : Randomness depends on the observer. 3.1416……….appears a series of random numbers but is in fact the value of pi!

    20:17:51 From Veronica Goodchild : Thank you Cathy!

    20:17:52 From Michael Lingard : Thought may be the fundamental unifying field.

    20:18:20 From Suzanne Taylor : I never get any raised hand on SMN Zoom calls.

    20:23:41 From Scientific and Medical Network to Scientific and Medical Network (Privately) : Hi Paul – can you put Suzanne T in the Q?

    20:27:13 From Ghislaine Young : Lovely story Tanya thank you

    20:28:14 From Rene Wyndham : Yes Tanya I also enjoyed your observation of being pointed in the right direction. I often find that I get signs of synchronicity when I am on the right track, and draw strong blanks when I am heading on the wrong track.

    20:28:31 From Scientific and Medical Network : Peter Fenwick has a lot of examples around death – including clocks stopping at the time of death

    20:29:50 From Tanya & Armando : Thank you all for your sharing, we wish we could stay and hear more but we have a prior engagement. Have a lovely evening and long weekend!

    20:30:27 From Jacqui Nielsen : Would Paul K be willing to talk about his synchronistic experiences that he referred to?

    20:33:09 From Michael Lingard : Primitive man takes this for granted! Lauren Van De Post described this in Africa, after a distant kill , he commented that wouldny= the women back home be surprised , the african reply was that they knew already.

    20:35:31 From Ghislaine Young : We’re seeing the acausality on the surface but the meaning within

    20:38:15 From Michael Lingard : Thank you alll for the discussion , have to leave for dinner. Ill get Pro Maayne book for more .

    20:42:08 From Helena : you

    20:42:31 From Helena : you’re a powerful woman Christine : )

    20:43:22 From Kate Lindley : Thank you Christine. I love how things have fallen in place for you.

    20:44:04 From Gerri : is it that we are causing this by our wishes and thoughts or do we happen to become aware of what is already in progress for us? Are we tapping into and being aware at a non dual level of awareness

    20:44:45 From Scientific and Medical Network : After his heart attack and initiation in 1944

    20:49:42 From Patrick Magovern : My first virtual bar – great talk and wonderful discussion. Thanks very much.

    20:50:37 From Ghislaine Young : He had a profound NDE after his infarct and in fact had visions of the blue planet ( the earth) before it was ever seen as that from outer space!

    20:50:45 From Scientific and Medical Network : Where else can one engage in such an interesting conversation?!

    20:51:07 From Yohance Osborne : No where else

    20:57:13 From Ghislaine Young : Thanks everyone! Lovely conversations.

    20:57:39 From Annie Moss : Thank you for an excellent evening – my first virtual bar. Will look forward to another.

    20:57:56 From Linda Carroll : Thank you all.

    20:58:29 From monika : Thanks a lot to everyone!

    20:58:56 From Sue : Thank you, Paul

    20:59:14 From Veronica Goodchild : Thank you all – a most important topic

    20:59:57 From Rowena Fairbairn : Thank you for a great evening.

    21:02:11 From Christine Smith : Thank you Roderick and Paul. It’s been very interesting, and stimulating. And thanks to all. It’s great to have a platform on which to share these experiences.

    21:02:12 From silviakogan : Thanks you Roderick and everyone for another fascinating evening about your work and lives.

    21:02:58 From Rene Wyndham : Thank you Paul and Roderick. This is the first one I have attended but it was most comforting as I experience so many synchronistic events and it is good to know how many other people have these experiences too.

    21:03:03 From Verena Davis : Thank you for an excellent talk Prof Main, and wonderful sharings.

    21:04:50 From Brenda Freeman : so true Paul!

    21:05:38 From Alan Malby : Thank you, everyone

    21:05:41 From Kate Lindley : Thank you

    21:05:43 From Yohance Osborne : Thanks everyone!

    Paul Kieniewicz replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
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  • Avatar of Paul Kieniewicz

    Paul Kieniewicz

    5 April 2021 at 7:56 am

    Please feel free to share unusual experiences of synchronicity with the rest of the group. Use the REPLY button.

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