Members’ Virtual Bar: Fridays
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The Kabbalah
The Kabbalah
19:37:00 From Suzanne Taylor : A good read: about the relative and the ultimate with me and Lex Hixon…
19:39:03 From Chantal Toporow to Scientific and Medical Network (Privately) : Can you mute everyone please
19:45:13 From Alison Wakelin : Shouldn’t the highest level describing the intention to create be heart, not will?
19:46:30 From Verena Davis : The Will of the Soul, Thy Will Be Done, rather than the
19:46:45 From Verena Davis : will of the personality/ego.
19:47:25 From Suzanne Taylor : Shouldn’t he be showing us in a shared screen?
19:47:40 From Athena Constantine : Perhaps a map of the dynamics of awareness
19:51:49 From Alison Wakelin : Has there been any modification of this tree of life diagram due to the philosophers such as Whitehead, B Bergson, Teilhard? The more feminine aspects of the process. Are Kabbalists studying such thought?
20:07:27 From Linda Carroll : Thank you Tuvi.
20:10:58 From Christopher Golightly : “The shattering of the vessels” (in Hebrew, “Shevirat haKeilim”) of the world of Tohu is the key concept in explaining the basic problem of diverseness and multiplicity in Creation as well as the origin of evil and is a central component in the Arizal’s system of Kabbala, where it receives a full exposition.
20:15:39 From Anne Stephens, Bradford : tikkun olam
20:18:18 From Christopher Golightly : One day, someone like Bernard Carr (and other brilliant physicists and quantum mechanics) will likely be able to describe the processes of Tzimtzum contraction to create the “space” for 4-D space-time continuum to start, develop and grow.
20:22:12 From Anne Baring : They said Nature was the garment of God.
20:24:20 From Heather Leslie VUA : Tuvi, that was a great message you just gave, thank you so much.
20:24:32 From Christopher Golightly : Another link to support Tuvi’s clear presentation, again about breaking vessels and sparks: “Isaac Luria taught what amounts to a 16th-century version of a gnostic myth, organized around three main themes: tzimtzum [“contraction”], shevirat ha-kelim [“the shattering of the vessels”], and tikkun [“repair” or “fixing”]”.
20:25:18 From Ian Wight : The missing intention in evolution? Could this be specified as ‘ever-more-whole-making’?
20:25:26 From Scientific and Medical Network : Thank you Christopher Golightly for your comments. Very interesting
20:30:45 From Linda Carroll : ‘…and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time’. Eliot. The original image of God walking with humankind in the Garden of Eden is the end of the quest. Each of us is a vessel, a crucible of transformation. Tree of Knowledge towards Tree of Life. We are ‘becoming’ with the correct heart/soul and intention. The legend of the Holy Grail realised within each individual. Love.
20:31:14 From davidgeraintjenkins : Newton worked out date fro the end of the world 2032
20:33:50 From Linda Carroll : Each of us has an ego attached to specific constructs of ‘reality’.
20:33:51 From Heather Leslie VUA : I wonder what the intentions are of the people who don’t participate in elections?
20:35:32 From Linda Carroll : We need to transcend all the various ideologies and partial interpretations of ‘reality’ to move towards higher forms of consciousness. Hierarchies of consciousness.
20:36:47 From Ian Wight : Holarchies of consciousness?
20:38:49 From Linda Carroll : In ‘our’ probability field we need to ‘collapse’ into wisdom about the future of this planet. We must become the consciousness of the earth and change course rapidly.
20:41:27 From Heather Leslie VUA : That’s what I call intention! (i.e. will to donate the books)
20:45:39 From Natalie Tobert : Peter – maybe you were Jewish in a past life – and remember things?
20:47:29 From davidgeraintjenkins : The lost 10 tribes of Israel!!!
20:47:45 From Christopher Golightly : Prof. Seth Lloyd:
20:51:03 From Chris Todhunter : I don’t follow this notion of the universe as a computer – consisting of information. To quote Bernardo Kastrup – it does not make sense to think of the ontological foundation as information. The notion of information is amorphous and not well defined.
20:53:41 From Athena Constantine : Mendeleev dream of periodic table
20:53:44 From Anne Baring : The alchemists said “Imagination is the star in man”
20:54:08 From Linda Carroll : Federico Faggin definitely does not see the universe aa a computer – sees consciousness as primary and the origin of life.
20:55:32 From Linda Carroll : Like Anne Baring – we are entering the Stellar Age – we are all points of starlight now that the Solar Age is disintegrating.
20:55:38 From Peter Hardwick : Hello Natalie – your comment is correct. I trained with Roger Woolger as a past life regression therapist. I have had five lives where I was Jewish. That’s probably one influencing reason I wanted to relate my experience with the Jewish man in Brashov who ”knew” I was Jewish!
20:56:37 From Linda Carroll : We need Anne Baring’s Dream of The Cosmos. We must become the change that is desperately needed.
20:57:59 From Anne Baring : Tuvi – thank you so much for what you have shown us.
20:58:02 From Linda Carroll : Thank you so much Tuvi = this has been a great conversation. It’s all alchemy.
21:00:04 From Christine Smith : Thank you Tuvi, and Paul. A very interesting chat. xx
21:02:43 From Christopher Golightly : Please do send Tuvis links
21:02:48 From Linda Carroll : Thank you Tuvi, Paul and everyone – good evening to all.
21:02:52 From Heather Leslie VUA : Thank you very much!
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