Daniel Stone – Harmonic Resolutions 12, Science, Business, Spirituality and Healing
Daniel will look at the relation between science, business, healing and spirituality. He will do this through examining the nature of numbers, in particular the numbers 1 to 12, and also the nature of zero. Within the cross cultural history of numbers we find there are links between these apparently disparate worlds, and these links help us to find the principles behind harmonic vibration. He will then look at how the principle of harmonic vibration is applicable science, business, spirituality and healing.
DANIEL STONE is the founder and director of the Centre of the Conscious Dream in the desert of San Luis Potosi in Mexico, where twice a year he runsretreats. He is the author of ‘ The Dreamer who Dreams You‘ (O books), and the more recent ‘Harmonic Resolutions 12, Science, Business, Spirituality, reviewed by David Lorimer in Paradigm Explorer, as well as ‘Chu Ra, the change of Time ‘. Daniel works with people from all walks of life, including within businesses and schools, making bridges between worlds that project both the left and right sides of the brain. Daniel is an exhibiting artist and performing musician, based in Mexico. He presents courses and seminars in Europe, the U.S and Australia.
His website is www.12consciousdreamers.com