Invitation to participate in a new book-blog
Voyages of the Solar Boat Club is an afterlife allegory; a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark; a shamanic journey to the three worlds.
The book takes off from my discovery of how the model of the afterlife in ancient Egypt changed from the Field of Reeds to the Solar Boat – a truly radical shift. As a result, I re-examine contemporary models and realize it is time for a new story. Our maps were drawn up in the Middle Ages, largely based on Greco-Roman beliefs, and now require major updating. On my travels I discover that a major reform program is being undertaken throughout the afterlife realms – including, I’m happy to report, a shift towards a more democratic, diverse and gender-balanced regime. My approach combines an imaginative narrative with a philosophical and (to some extent) sociological examination of eschatological issues.
I am a sociologist of religion with a PhD from the Theology department of King’s College London. My published work includes Women in New Religions (Macmillan Press) and I’ve taught courses on world religions and gender and religion.
I am publishing this “philosophical entertainment” as a multimedia project: text integrated with images, video and a self-operated soundtrack.
New instalments are posted at weekly intervals on Sundays. Readers have an option to receive email notifications of forthcoming episodes.
Please feel free to forward this invitation or post it on your own website/blog.
I do hope you’ll read, “follow” and participate in the discussion.
Sybil Goodenough