Network Review Spring 2000
Issue No: 72
- Consciousness and the Snare of Civilisation – A Reappraisal of Human Evolution – Emilios Bouratinos
- Consciousness, Gravity and the Quantum: An interview with Sir Roger Penrose – Chris Clarke
- Madness and Mysticism: clarifying the mystery – Isabel Clarke
- Expanding Humanity’s Vision of God – Max Payne
- The Imaginal In Ancient Persian Religion and Modern Experience – Paul Devereux
- A Broader Look at the Spiritual Emergence Experience: Implications for Consciousness Studies – Martin Lockley
- Zen and the Art of Snorkelling – Guy Claxton
- The Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists – Andrew Powell
- Participatory Reality – Drynachan Lodge – Chris Clarke
- Jung and the East – West Dialogue – Janine Edge
- Consciousness and the Original Spirit of Science – Ancient Olympia, Greece – Barry Hopewell
- Experience and Insights in Mystic Theology – Louise Hahn Dillon
Book Reviews
Science and the Philosophy of Science
- After the Clockwork Universe: the Emerging Science and Culture of Integral Society S J Goerner
- The End of Time Julian Barbour
- The Future of DNA Eds: J Wirz and E Lammerts van Bueren
- GE: Genetic Enginyeering and You Moyra Bremner (SMN)
- Biology Revisioned Willis Harman (late SMN) and Elisabet Sahtouris
- Luh – Man’s Cosmic Game Giuliana Conforto (SMN)
- Silencing Scientists And Scholars In Other Fields Gordon Moran
Medicine and Health
- Das Licht Kam Über Mich – Mein Weg Vom Schulmediziner Zum Geistheiler Eli Lasch (SMN)
- Ritalin Nation: Rapid-Fire Culture And The Transformation Of Human Consciousness Richard DeGrandpre
- Complementary Therapies In Context: The Psychology Of Healing Helen Graham
Religion and Philosophy
- The Foundations of Dialogue in Science and Religion Alister McGrath
- The Science Of Enlightenment: Enlightenment, Liberation And God – A Scientific Explanation Nitin Trasi
- The Shaping of Rationality J.Wentzel van Huyssteen
- The Son of Man Andrew Harvey
- The Hidden Gospel Neil Douglas-Klotz (SMN)
- The Wedding Present Margaret Long
- The Restitution of Man Michael D. Aeschliman
- Yoga and the Teaching of Krishna Ravi Ravindra
- Consciousness and Berkeley’s Metaphysics Peter B. Lloyd (SMN)
- Paranormal Phenomena and Berkeley’s Metaphysics Peter B. Lloyd (SMN)
- SQ – Spiritual Intelligence, the Ultimate Intelligence Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall
- Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology: A Historical and Biographical Sourcebook ed. Donald Moss
- Momma and the Meaning of Life: Tales of Psychotherapy Irvin D. Yalom
- Dialogues on Reality: an Exploration into the Nature of Our Ultimate Identity Robert Powell (SMN)
- The Gendered Atom Theodore Roszak (SMN)
- The Secret of Consciousness Paul Ableman (SMN)
Ecology/Economics/Future Studies
- The Genetic Transformation of Global Agriculture Marc Lappé and Britt Bailey
- The Feminization of Nature: Our Future at Risk Deborah Cadbury
- Ancient Energies of the Earth David Cowan & Anne Silk
- Mothering with Soul: Raising Children as Special Work Joan Salter
Science/Philosophy of Science
Future Studies/Economics/Ecology
Death and Dying