Network Review Summer 1997
Issue No: 64

Madness in the Method – Mary Midgley
- Inter-disciplinary Consciousness Studies – Emilios Buratinos
- The Inner Eye of Consciousness – Don Eldridge
- A Matter of Mind or Matter – Kim Jobst
- Return to the Meeting Place for Art, Science and Spirituality – Peter Chadwick
- The Aura and Reality – Bob Cripps –> broken link
- Why Dossey is an Energy Monist – Mark B. Woodhouse
- Stresspeak – Angela Patmore
- Progress by Critique – Ronald Pearson –> broken link
- Twentieth Mystics and Scientists Conference – Lew Sutton
- Network May Dialogue – Roger Taylor
- Network Annual Gathering – Chris Clarke
- The Continental Meeting in Denmark – Max Payne
- State of the World Forum – Bronia Hatfield
- Three Dreams – Willis Harman
- A Paranormal Event in October 1943 – Alan Bradfield
- The Future Accurately Forseen – Aurele Prins
- Energy and Consciousness
- Energy Talk
- Psychoanalysis and Radical Myth
- Theories of Evolution: the forgotten work of René Quinton
- The Healing Effect
Book Reviews
Science and the Philosophy of Science
- The Web of Life; A New Synthesis of Mind and Matter by Fritjof Capra
- Gender and Science: late nineteenth century debates on the female mind and body ed. Katharina Rowold
- Blindness of Modern Science by Undo Uus
- Mathematics from the Birth of Numbers by Jan Gulberg
Medicine and Health
- Medical Marriage: the new partnership between orthodox and complementary medicine by Dr Cornelia Featherstone and Lori Forsyth
- Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil, MD
- The Psalms of Children: their songs and laments by Ursula M. Anderson, MD
- The Good News about Cancer by B. Richards & F. Hourigan
- Second Sight: the personal story of a psychiatrist clairvoyant by Judith Orloff, MD
Religion and Philosophy
- Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy by Margaret J.Osler; Atoms, Pneuma and Tranquillity ed. by Margaret J. Osler
- Prayers of the Cosmos by Neil Douglas-Klotz; Desert Wisdom by Neil Douglas-Klotz
- Gurdjieff: Essays and Reflections on the Man and his Teaching edited by Jacob Needleman and George Baker
- A Philosophy of Matter & Mind by Gerhard D. Wassermann
- Religion and Science – History, Method, Dialogue edited by W. Mark Richardson and Wesley J. Wildman; Science and Religion – From Conflict to Conversation by John F. Haught
- Serious Talk by John Polkinghorne; Scientists as Theologians by John Polkinghorne
Psychology and Consciousness Studies
- The Conscious Mind: in search of a fundamental theory by D. Chalmers
- Transpersonal Psychotherapy ed. by Seymour Boorstein
- The Near Death Experience: a reader ed. by Lee W. Bailey & Jenny Yates
- The Lucid Dreamer – A Waking Guide for the Traveller Between Worlds by Malcolm Godwin
- On Dialogue by David Bohm
- All in the Mind at Large? by Archie Roy; The Archives of the Mind by Archie Roy
- Oriental Enlightenment by J.J. Clarke
Ecology, Economics, Futures Studies
- Earthcare by Carolyn Merchant
- Need, Greed or Freedom by John Whitmore
- Re-Visioning the Earth by Paul Devereux
- Healing Through Earth Energies by Judy Jacka
- Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language by Robin Dunbar
- Spiritual Path, Sacred Place: myth, ritual and meaning in architecture by Thomas Barrie
- Benjaya’s Gifts by M’haletta and Carmella B’Hahn
Video Reviews
- The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos, with Brian Swimme
- The Hero’s Journey – A Biographical Portrait of Joseph Campbell
- Gaia Theory, with James Lovelock
- The Politician Within, Andrew Samuels in Conversation
Books in Brief
Science/Philosophy of Science
Future Studies/Economics/Ecology
You can download the pdf here.