Network Review Summer 1999
Issue No: 70
- Editorial – What Does the Network Stand For? – Max Payne
- Review Article – Miracle in the Void: The New Energy Revolution – Dr Brian O’Leary and Stephen Kaplan
- Cancer and Morphogenetic Fields – Eli Erich Lasch
- The Unexplained Powers of Animals – Rupert Sheldrake
- Parmenides and the Origins of Western Thought – An Interview with Peter Kingsley
- Integration of Spirituality and Medicine Continues in US – Larry Dossey
- The Science and Symbolism of the Sun – Alan Mayne
- 13th SMN Continental Meeting – Potsdam – Diana Clift
- The May Dialogue: Biotechnology, Sustainability and Ethics – Are They Compatible? – Richard Hughes
- World Peace, Inner Peace, Healing Self, the Earth and Others – David Lorimer
- Drynachan Symposium on Participatory Reality – October 1999 – Chris Clarke and David Lorimer
- Introduction: What TASTE is About – Charles T. Tart
Review Section
Science and the Philosophy of Science
- Brave New Worlds: Genetics and the Human Experience Bryan Appleyard
- Beyond Evolution: Human Nature and the Limits of Evolutionary Explanation Anthony O’Hear
- The Bohm-Biederman Correspondence: David Bohm and Charles Biederman ed Paavo Pylkkanen
- Space from Zeno to Einstein: Classic readings with a contemporary commentary ed Nick Huggett
- The Fabric of Reality David Deutsch
Medicine and Health
- Planet Medicine, Volume I, Origins, Volume II, Modalities Richard Grossinger
- Pathway Into Sunrise Esme Ellis
- The Therapeutic Relationship in Complementary Health Care Annie Mitchell and Maggie Cormack
- Medicine for the Whole Person E. K. Ledermann
Religion and Philosophy
- In the Dark Places of Wisdom Peter Kingsley
- Whatever Happened to the Soul? eds Warren S. Brown, Nancy Murphy and H Newton Malony
- From Soul to Self ed M. James C. Crabbe
- Jesus The Son of Man Kahlil Gibran
- The Golden Rule Jeffrey Wattles
- Utopias, Dolphins and Computers Mary Midgeley (SMN)
- Anima: Evidence of a Yogic Siddhi Stephen M. Phillips (SMN)
- On the Sublime: in Psychoanalysis, Archetypal Psychology and Psychotherapy Ed. Petruska Clarkson
- Buddha’s Nature: Evolution as a Practical Guide to Enlightenment Wes Nisker
- Human Nature and the Millenium: Reflections on the Integration of Psychology and Christianity Malcolm Jeeves
- The Pool of Memory Michal Levin
- The Hidden Door Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick The Inner Eye Joan Windsor
Ecology/Economics/Future Studies
- Religion and the Order of Nature Seyyed Hossein Nasr (SMN)
- Biopiracy Vandana Shiva
- Third Millennium Equipoise Vinod Saighal
- Rewriting the Self: histories from the Renaissance to the present ed Roy Porter
Video Reviews
Science/Philosophy of Science
Future Studies/Economics/Ecology
Death and Dying