Prof. Richard Silberstein: Universal consciousness: Poetry? Metaphor? Science? OR all of the above?
Mystics of various religious and spiritual traditions have, on occasion, described a mystical realization that the entire universe is conscious. In this talk, I will describe some novel parapsychological studies that may shed light on the question of whether consciousness constitutes an irreducible and core constituent of the universe.
Professor Emeritus RICHARD SILBERSTEIN holds a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Melbourne and a BSc (Hon) majoring in physics from Monash University. At Swinburne University of Technology, he served as Head of the Department of Physics and subsequently founding Director of the Brain Sciences Institute. He has over 30 years of cognitive neuroscience research experience and is the originator of Steady State Topography (SST) a brain imaging methodology. He has co-authored over 200 papers in the form of conferences presentations, journal articles and book chapters in various areas of cognitive and clinical neuroscience as well as consumer neuroscience.