Transformative Innovations for Health: a gathering of change-makers

Transformative Innovations for Health: a gathering of change-makers 

Saturday 18th November 2017University of Westminster, 115 New Cavendish Street London W1W 6XH 


The neatness of medical science is unravelling. 20th-century medicine focused on smaller and smaller parts with astonishing success: triumphant in infections, deficiency diseases, with surgical excisions and transplants, intensive care and anaesthetics. But 21st century medicine is confronting whole person (indeed whole society) problems: chronic degenerative and inflammatory diseases, stress-, environment- and lifestyle-mediated diseases, addictions and psychological disorders. Bio-technical single-solution approaches won’t cure them. If, as has been said, the future is already with us but unevenly distributed, where might we find seeds of the new paradigm?

This working conference, jointly hosted by Westminster Centre for Resilience, the Scientific and Medical Network and the BHMA, will bring change-makers together to celebrate the future.



9:15     Registration 

9:50     Introductions

10:00  Bill Sharpe: Change and the Three Horizons Model


11:00   Dr. William House, Ed Rosen, Marcello Bertotti – Transforming Community Health


11:30   Rev. Prof. Stephen WrightMaking Space for Staff Renewal


11:45   Coffee

12:10   Dr. Paul DieppeHealing and Therapeutic Transformation


12:30   World Cafe

1:30     Lunch

2:15    Dr. David ReillyMapping the Human Healing Response: A Foundation for The Fifth Wave of Public and Personal Health


3.15     Pat FlemingEcotherapy: Reconnecting with the Wild

3.30     Sophie Brigstocke, Dr. Peter Fenwick, Hermione Elliott, – Transforming Attitudes to Birth and Death and Dying

4:15     Tea

4:45     World Cafe

5:30     Plenary discussion



University of Westminster Centre for Resilience

Westminster Centre for Resilience at the University of Westminster is working with clinicians, business and public sector leaders to understand what supports or erodes human flourishing.  The question of how to support resilience is of pressing importance. With health-care costs soaring internationally as individuals, public health systems and the environment face ever-greater challenges, how are we to stay healthy or cope well with chronic disease and old age?  How in times of uncertainty can industry best support an engaged and creative workforce?  In the face of economic austerity how can government policy help communities cohere and thrive?  Faced with climate change how can economic growth be sustained without environmental harm and species loss?   Finding the answers will demand a truly 21st century grasp of individual and communal resilience.  Westminster Centre for Resilience with its wide-ranging approaches to inquiry and learning is preparing to meet the challenge.

Scientific and Medical Network

The Scientific and Medical Network was founded in 1973 by George Blaker, Dr. Patrick Shackleton, Dr. Peter Leggett and Sir Kelvin Spencer.  The founders believed that neither orthodox religion nor conventional science was sufficient to answer pressing questions about human existence and the cosmos, and that new ways of thinking were needed.

The Network provides interdisciplinary education exploring the frontiers of science, consciousness and spirituality.  It draws on a worldwide community of scientists, doctors, psychologists, engineers, philosophers and theologians to provide events, publications, and courses that link insights from the spiritual traditions and the arts, with the study and application of science and medicine.

The Network assumes that there are many ways of knowing the world and ourselves, of which science is just one, albeit one highly effective and reliable, way of gaining knowledge.  In order to do justice to the full spectrum of human experience and the complexity of the cosmos, it encourages dialogue and interaction between the spiritual, the scientific, the philosophical and the arts in open-minded enquiry.

British Holistic Medical Association

The British Holistic Medical Association is a grassroots organisation and a registered charity with a single objective: to educate doctors, other healthcare professionals and the general public in the principles and practice of holistic medicine. We believe that many of the problems we face in the 21st century come from taking too narrow a view of the human predicament. Being human is complex and seems to become ever more so. When ill health arises it is tempting to simplify, categorise, label and anonymise. Even so, healthcare systems across the developed world are struggling to cope with both the human task and the economic cost. It is often said that this is because we are living longer and medical treatments are becoming more complicated and expensive. This is a narrow view. Just as simple explanations of illness in an individual are often inadequate, so it is with the healthcare crisis. A more holistic, more personal and less industrial approach must be part of the solution.

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