Dr Annine van der Meer Mary Magdalene Portal to a New Era Wayshower to the Light 2

Dr Annine van der Meer – Mary Magdalene Portal to a New Era: Wayshower to the Light

Are we currently in an individual and collective ascension process?


Annine’s forthcoming book Mary Magdalene Portal to a New Era: Wayshower to the Light focuses on Mary Magdalene and the Gospel of the Beloved Companion written by her, which only became available in 2010. Her life passes through in chronological order, moving from the essential background of her family – through her childhood, her education in Egypt, her performance alongside Yeshua, her ascension and her philosophy – to her mission in Western Europe. At the end of her Gospel, she describes her own ascension process of becoming light.

Ascension is also a hot topic today. For centuries, ascension has been regarded as a floaty and mysterious affair, reserved for the elite of esoteric mystery schools and unworldly mystics. However, developments in modern quantum physics make it possible to explain ascension scientifically. There is currently a great need for information about this phenomenon. This has to do with the fact that the frequency of Planet Earth is accelerating; modern measurement methods show what has long been predicted by indigenous cultures: we are currently in an individual and collective ascension process. We are on our way to a new time and a new earth. That is why it is very important to understand the way Mary Magdalene shows to the light. The teaching of the ascension is the essence of the message of Yeshua and Mary.

The novelty of this book lies in its working method. 21st century sources such as information from regression reports, and some channeled sources are placed next to the biblical, apocryphal and historical sources. The question is to what extent the historical sources confirm these alternative sources of the 21st century. Is it possible to form an innovative 21st century image of Mary Magdalene and her family by integrating both types of sources? If so, then it is desirable not to exclude the alternative material anymore…

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About the speaker:


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Dr Annine E.G. van der Meer (1953) is a Dutch historian of religion who holds a PhD in theology from the University of Utrecht. She was the seventh, last and only female student to write her doctoral thesis under the guidance of the late Prof Dr Gilles Quispel. He was an internationally known scholar of apocryphal Christian texts, famous for his translation of the so called fifth Gospel, The Gospel of Thomas and other texts from the Nag Hammadi Library, rediscovered in Upper-Egypt in 1945.

Annine has written several authoritative books about the hidden history of the sacred feminine and of women and their forgotten contribution to evolution and civilization. This involves digging Her-Story out from under His-Story in order to write Our-Story. Where necessary, she integrates the established images of woman and man for the purpose of achieving equality, harmony, balance and peace in the world.

In 2008, she founded Pansophia Foundation, a school of Wisdom in the 21st century, which she led until 2018. Its mission was to combine the raising of consciousness with spirituality and empowerment of women. In 2015, she founded her own Dutch publishing house Pansophia Press, in which she continues this wisdom work, supported by a large Pansophia community in The Netherlands. In 2010, Annine was one of 33 women to be honoured worldwide for her work about the Divine Feminine.

Annine is the author of 19 books in Dutch, English, French and German. In Dutch, English and French, she has published, The Black Madonna from Primal to Final Times (. In English and German she has published, The Language of MA the primal mother. The evolution of the female image in 40.000 years of global Venus Art. In 2021, she published a very successful Dutch book, Maria Magdalena Ontsluierd (Mary Magdalene Unveiled), a commentary about The Gospel of the Beloved Companion, written by Mary Magdalene herself, only released in 2010. In 2023, she published the English translation and updated book, Mary Magdalene Unveiled: Hidden sources restore her broken image.

For more information about Annine’s work see: www.anninevandermeer.nl and www.pansophia-press.nl.


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Wed, 11 October 2023
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7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Wed, 11 October 2023
  • Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


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  • Annine van der Meer
    Annine van der Meer
    Historian, Author

    Dr Annine E.G. van der Meer (1953) is a Dutch historian of religion who holds a PhD in theology from the University of Utrecht. She wrote her doctoral thesis under the guidance of the late Prof Dr Gilles Quispel.

    Annine has written several authoritative books about the hidden history of the sacred feminine and of women and their forgotten contribution to evolution and civilization. This involves digging Her-Story out from under His-Story in order to write Our-Story. She is the author of 19 books in Dutch, English, French and German, including The Black Madonna from Primal to Final Times. In 2021, she published a very successful Dutch book, Maria Magdalena Ontsluierd (Mary Magdalene Unveiled), a commentary about The Gospel of the Beloved Companion, written by Mary Magdalene herself, only released in 2010. In 2023, she published the English translation and updated book, Mary Magdalene Unveiled: Hidden sources restore her broken image.