Galileo Commission Summit VI – Sacred Responses to the Human Crisis of Meaning: Transcendence not Transhumanism
All timings are in London, BST
Tuesday August 29th, 4:00-8:30 BST
4:00 David Lorimer: The Future Human: Transpersonal or Transhuman?
We stand at a critical juncture – even a bifurcation – in human development and evolution. The Silicon Valley and World Economic Forum view of the human being is scientistic and mechanistic – we are either complex biological machines whose software needs to be enhanced and upgraded or hackable animals whose behaviour can be nudged or even manipulated and controlled, as has been evident in the propaganda and censorship of the last three years. Both of these views are reductionist forms of technocratic social engineering. The spiritual or transpersonal view of the human being sees fulfilment as a journey to enlightenment experienced as light and love, so that we come to embody Love, Wisdom and Truth. This spiritual view needs to be culturally articulated as a response to the transhumanist narrative and trajectory.
David Lorimer is a visionary polymath who is Global Ambassador and Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network, Editor of Paradigm Explorer and Chair of the Galileo Commission. His most recent books are A Quest for Wisdom and this collection of poems Better Light a Candle.
4:40 Dr Kingsley Dennis: Technē, Terraforming & the Transcendental Impulse – An Evolutionary Imperative
Human life upon this planet is now transitioning into an era of techne (technē). Techne is not only, in modern terms, a piece of technology, but also the behaviour, lifestyle practices, attitudes, skill sets, and more, than run alongside, or are instigated, by technology in order for its inclusion into human life. The direction that humanity is being driven, in the name of progress, is towards establishing a new environmental tech-infrastructure that will reorganize and recalibrate human behaviour. However, human development also requires an evolutionary adaptation in consciousness by aligning with a transcendental (or metaphysical) impulse. There is a contestation of forces now vying for dominance upon the evolutionary trajectory of humanity, and this can be simplified as the inorganic versus the organic path.
Kingsley L. Dennis, PhD, is a full-time writer, researcher, and publisher. He is the author of over twenty books including Hijacking Reality; Healing the Wounded Mind; The Phoenix Generation; New Consciousness for a New World; The Struggle for Your Mind; After the Car, and the celebrated Dawn of the Akashic Age (with Ervin Laszlo). He previously worked in the Sociology Department at Lancaster University, UK. Kingsley is the author of numerous articles on social & digital futures, new technologies, global affairs, and conscious evolution. He also runs his own publishing imprint, Beautiful Traitor Books. Kingsley has written and published non-fiction, adult fiction & YA fiction, essays, and poetry. His work has been translated into eight languages. He currently lives in the U.K.
5:20 Discussion
6:00 Break
6:30 Julian Rose: The Spiritual Warrior – Breaking the Spellbinding Grip of Artificial Intelligence
I will explain ways in which we can break through the destructive patterns of our consumption-obsessed society, challenging the audience to recognise life’s bigger picture and to think and act ‘outside the box’. I call for a rise in consciousness so that individuals can fully participate in building a better future together – especially in the light of the anti-life position of the Transhumanist agenda, an agenda that promotes the notion that computer power will soon assume control of the human mind.
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer, broadcaster and international campaigner. He advocates holistic cures for fragmented states of being. He is an environmental activist and a defender of peasant and family farming traditions throughout the world. His recent book of essays is Overcoming the Robotic Mind.
7:10 John Audette: From Dualism to Oneness: On the Dire Need for an Empirically-Based Mass Spiritual Awakening
I believe we must fully retire ego-centrism, dualism, materialism and nihilism in order to bring about the systemic or structural change we seek to achieve an optimal future for earth and all its inhabitants. In my view, this can only be done in a critical mass fashion through a global spiritual revolution or awakening. In my book, I called it the new age of enlightenment or the new renaissance period, based not on faith in dogma, but solid credible empiricism.
John R. Audette is the author of “Loved by the Light: True Stories of Divine Intervention and Providence” (Amazon 2023). He also contributed chapters to various books on the subjects of consciousness and spiritually transformative experiences. He earned a Master of Science degree from Virginia Tech and is a retired hospital and hospice administrator residing in South Florida who also held senior executive positions in performing arts management and public broadcasting. He is the primary founder of Eternea.org and IANDS.org.
7:50 Discussion
8:30 Closing Remarks
Please note: This event is donation-based, and you may register for free, if you are not able to make a donation. However, if you can, we would greatly appreciate your contribution, which will continue to allow us to move forward with our mission
All bookings will receive a link to view the RECORDING.
David LorimerWriter, Lecturer, Poet, Editor
David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA is a visionary polymath – writer, lecturer, poet and editor who is a Founder of Character Education Scotland, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and former President of Wrekin Trust and the Swedenborg Society. David is also the Editor of Paradigm Explorer, and Chair of the Galileo Commission, which seeks the expand the evidence base of science of consciousness beyond a materialistic world view.
Originally a merchant banker then a teacher of philosophy and modern languages at Winchester College, he is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including Survival? Death as Transition (1984,2017) Resonant Mind (originally Whole in One) (1990/2017), The Spirit of Science (1998), Thinking Beyond the Brain (2001), The Protein Crunch (with Jason Drew) and A New Renaissance (edited with Oliver Robinson). He has edited three books about the Bulgarian sage Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov): Prophet for our Times (1991, 2015), The Circle of Sacred Dance, and Gems of Love, which is a translation of his prayers and formulas into English. His book on the ideas and work of the Prince of Wales – Radical Prince (2003) – has been translated into Dutch, Spanish and French. His most recent books are A Quest for Wisdom and his collection of poems, Better Light a Candle.
Julian RoseEnvironmental activist
Sir Julian Rose Bt is one of the pioneers of UK organic farming, commencing the conversion of his farm in 1975. He joined the Soil Association board in 1984 and campaigned vigorously for the widespread introduction of organic farming methods at a time when this system was not known. Julian achieved notoriety when he brought a cow up to London (Hyde Park Festival of Farming) and demonstrated vociferously against a government attempt to ban unpasteurised milk. He went on to develop his farm as a mixed organic enterprise selling all its main produce locally, while refusing to sell to supermarkets. He developed a theory of local production and consumption which he named “The Proximity Principle.” His advice has been sought by local authorities, development agencies and government. Julian has written and broadcast extensively. He started his career in drama, but took on the Hardwick Estate (and Baronetcy) on the premature death of his brother and father in the late 1960s. He is an environmental activist and a defender of peasant and family farming traditions throughout the world.