Peter Dawkins – The 1623 Twin Publications, Keys to the Rosicrucian Work of Sir Francis Bacon
This masterclass will include two illustrated talks by Peter Dawkins demonstrating how the 1623 Shakespeare First Folio and the 1623 De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum, Francis Bacon’s much augmented Latin version of his 1605 Advancement of Learning, twin each other and act as keys to the Great Instauration, a name for the Rosicrucian work. Both books were purposely published in 1623, the year of a great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the Fiery Trigon, for profound and symbolic reasons. This year, 2023, is the Quatercentenary of both publications.
The Great Instauration concerns an instauration or renewal of all arts and sciences, so as to create a moral Philosophy and Active Science – an Illumination or Knowledge of Truth capable of creating a Golden Age on Earth. Its aim is to obey and fulfil the summary or universal law of love, and to imitate the divine work – “the work that God does from beginning to end” (Ecclesiastes 3:11) – which is the labour of love. This is Bacon’s “Active Science”, and is the Rosicrucian work. It is this that can bring about the evolutionary transformation that is so needed at this time.
About the speaker:

Peter Dawkins is a philosopher, historian, author, lecturer, teacher and leader of workshops, seminars and special events in many countries of the world. His specialist interest is in the Western wisdom traditions and mysteries, mythology, sacred architecture and landscape, the European and English Renaissance, the 16th/17th century Rosicrucians and Freemasons, Sir Francis Bacon and Shakespeare. He is the founder-principal of the Francis Bacon Research Trust and founding partner, with his wife Sarah, of the Zoence Academy and Mystery School.
Please note: This event is included in the Season Ticket.
All bookings will receive a link to view the RECORDING.
Peter DawkinsPhilosopher, historian
Peter Dawkins is a philosopher, historian, author, lecturer, teacher and leader of workshops, seminars and special events in many countries of the world. His specialist interest is in the Western wisdom traditions and mysteries, mythology, sacred architecture and landscape, the European and English Renaissance, the 16th/17th century Rosicrucians and Freemasons, Sir Francis Bacon and Shakespeare. He is the founder-principal of the Francis Bacon Research Trust and founding partner, with his wife Sarah, of the Zoence Academy and Mystery School.