Phyllida Anam-Áire – The Last Ecstasy: Celtic Mysteries of Death and Dying
Phyllida says: “In this sharing, I will be delving into the contents of my last book on Celtic death and dying called The Last Ecstasy of Life. The First Ecstasy is birth. To our Celtic ancestors, death, or An Marbhú, translated as “deathing,” was a natural and necessary stage of Life as they believed Life was not dependant on form or physicality. So, in actual fact, for them there was no such phenomenon as End of Life, as it was simply transforming into another expression of same. I remember the old ones at a death bed shaking their heads whilst croaking “Tá an anáil ag tharraing a anam amach,” meaning: “breath is carrying the soul out”. At birthing they would say, “Tá an anáil at tabhairt an anam isteach,” meaning: breath is carrying life into her/him. So we see clearly the importance given to breath (i.e., “deathing” releases Life force through breath, whilst birthing calls it in.
In my gathering with you, I will share my own Near-Death Experience (NDE), and how this knowledge informed my “Watching with the Deathing,” and travelling with the dead. I will also share, as an Anam-Áire – meaning Soul Carer – the alchemy of An Marbhú, and how its spiritual psychology contributes to the integration of soul and ego, promoting a congruency towards self-actualisation. I truly believe that self-compassion, true self-love, carries us from deathing to birthing – and back again… so, all is well! Imagine the possibility of deathing in pure Ecstasy! Your divine active imagination can play a very important part in projecting a state of Ecstasy to your deathing journey. Let us find these jewels together.”
About the speaker:
Phyllida Anam-Áire is a mother, grandmother, former Irish nun, writer, poet, traditional Irish singer, psychotherapist and teacher of Sacred Ritual. Phyllida is the author of four published books and two poetry books. Her book A Celtic Book of Dying is now included in reading list for palliative care workers.
Please note: This event is included in the Season Ticket.
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Phyllida Anam-ÁireWriter, Singer, Psychotherapist
Phyllida Anam-Áire is a mother, grandmother, former Irish nun, writer, poet, traditional Irish singer, psychotherapist and teacher of Sacred Ritual. Phyllida is the author of four published books and two poetry books. Her book A Celtic Book of Dying is now included in reading list for palliative care workers.