Reply To: Introduction and a question on blending professional and personal interests …

  • Avatar of Linda Vernon

    Linda Vernon

    6 January 2023 at 10:18 pm

    Hi Howard,

    thank you so much for your reply and sorry I’ve not acknowledged it sooner! I’ve been back on a plant medicine retreat this weekend, and bumped into a fellow NHS leader. We discussed the potential (or not, perhaps) to ‘heal’ the NHS … and the fact that it’s tempting given how broken the system is to want to turn our backs on it and follow another path. But that we have more chance of influencing change on the inside!

    That reminded me I’d posted here!

    So I’m curious … I’m guessing you’re UK based (I don’t know if SMN reaches internationally?) is your clinical work all private, and if so did bureaucracy or something else draw you in that direction? Did you get pulled or pushed away from the NHS (if indeed that was your starting point?)

    I wonder are there any other NHS clinicians or leaders in the group? I feel there must be a scattering of spiritually aware clinicians and leaders in the NHS, people who recognise we are so much more than how we show up in this 3D reality, and I just wonder whether collectively we might reach a critical mass that really can influence change …

    I’ll also check your book out Howard, thank you for the link 🙏 Perhaps your answers to my questions are in the book 😉

    Best wishes, and happy new year,
