Laurence Freeman OSB – Silence: Expansion beyond Limits
There are some things we cannot get our heads around, like billions of light years or collapsing the walls of gravity. However we have the capacity to relate to mystery with other ways of knowing. With this we can explore the cosmos of wholeness and release the powers of healing. Our ship into this world is stillness and the pure silence of attention. Our challenge today is to recognise and integrate these different ways of knowing.
LAURENCE FREEMAN OSB is a Benedictine monk and the spiritual guide and Director ofThe World Community for Christian Meditation; a contemporary, contemplative community. Before entering monastic life Laurence Freeman had experience with the United Nations, in banking and in journalism. He travels widely as an international speaker and retreat leader, and is the author of many articles and books including, The Selfless Self, Jesus: The Teacher Within and First Sight: The Experience of Faith. Fr Laurence has conducted dialogues and peace initiatives such as the historic “Way of Peace” with the Dalai Lama, and is active in inter-religious dialogue with leaders of other faiths. Laurence Freeman teaches meditation as a universal, simple practice, found in all the wisdom traditions, and leading to a full and integrated humanity . It offers a way for the modern world to find its way forward through its multiple crisis to true values and to the common ground in which they are lived. He is the Director of Meditatio, the outreach program of the community, which engages with the secular world on the themes of Education, Mental Health, Business, Addiction and Recovery and Medicine.