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About Me

Joanne is an author and channeler whose works promote personal and collective transformation. Dedicated to integral approaches that bridge science, art, and spirit, she explores and shares the collective wisdom from all these traditions.

Joanne cofounded (1999), an educational resource for the practical applications of conscious creation, the idea that we create our own reality. Her work is inspired by Jane Roberts (late author of the Seth Material) and other spiritual  teachers. She’s also grounded in behavioral science, and a certified teacher of Dr. Clare Graves’ and Dr. Don Beck’s Spiral Dynamics Integral. She brings these and other tools to help individuals awaken to change.

Joanne advocates channeling as an innate human intelligence, and encourages individuals to find and develop their own special abilities. She began to channel the essence Rose in 2007. Their foundational work, The Way of Spirit: Teachings of Rose (2014), helps readers connect with their own Source and realize their unique intent and purpose—their soul’s design for deepest expression and fulfillment.

Her second book of Rose’s teachings—Let That Shit Go: Learn to Process Loss and Be Happy (2018)—is a practical approach to healing addiction, anxiety, and depression. Joanne and Rose are also featured in the 2019 Meet Rose episode of the documentary series They Call Us Channelers, available on YouTube.

Joanne discovered through sessions with her private clients that her psychic abilities extend into the afterdeath environment. This resulted in her book, The Afterlife of J.D. Salinger: A Beautiful Message From Beyond (2016).

Her latest book, Afterlives: Firsthand Accounts of Twenty Notable People (2021), is a groundbreaking work in which she communicates with Anthony Bourdain, Hunter S. Thompson, Ayn Rand, Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet Tubman, John Barron (former slaver), Thomas Paine, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Hildegard von Bingen, Paramahansa Yogananda, J.D. Salinger, George Harrison, Douglas Adams, James Baldwin, Kurt Vonnegut, Aldous Huxley, Robin Williams, and Jane Roberts, author of the Seth Material.

Joanne graduated magna cum laude from Temple University with a B.A. in Communications. She lives in Topanga, California, with her husband and collaborator, Paul M. Helfrich.

Joanne is available for Private Sessions ( and Programs.

Interests Fields

Art, Consciousness, Mysticism, Parapsychology

Professional Specialization(s)

Afterlife, Channeling/Mediumship, Fiction & Nonfiction Writing


World Location

USA – West Coast