Mystics and Scientists 2016
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The Mystics and Scientists conferences have been held every year since 1978, and are dedicated to forging a creative understanding of the complementary roles of scientific and mystical approaches to reality. The conferences always provide a highly engaging and creative opportunity to come together with like-minded people in a spirit of exploration and dialogue. Our theme brings together physics, philosophy, psychology, spirituality and healing, which speakers will address from their various angles of expertise to show how the oneness of mind has crucial implications for the way we live our lives and relate to each other. At a deep level it seems that we are one another and we need to overcome the superficial illusion that we are separate beings.
Click Here to be redirected to the Booking Page I regard consciousness as fundamental, matter is derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness.…
The Mystics and Scientists conferences have been held every year since 1978, and are dedicated to forging a creative understanding of the complementary roles of scientific and mystical approaches to reality. This year we are celebrating the 40th Anniversary of this flagship series of conferences that have featured many of the leading scientists and mystics of the time.
Transformative Innovations for Health: a gathering of change-makers Saturday 18th November 2017, University of Westminster, 115 New Cavendish Street London W1W 6XH The neatness of medical…
2017 marks the centenary of two of the most creative scientists of the 20th century, Prof David Bohm FRS (1917 – 1992) and Prof Vicomte Ilya Prigogine (1917 – 2004). Both men thought out-of-the-box, and introduced new and influential concepts that have had a wide reach outside their specialist fields. The Network arranged a weekend of dialogue with David Bohm in 1988, and a day with Ilya Prigogine in 1995, which was attended by more than 400 people. Both were Honorary Members. Addressed by experts who worked closely with both men, this centenary conference will consider their legacies and the extensive influence, showing how their ideas still shape our thinking.