Network Review Spring 2010



Editorial: A People’s Revolution – a personal message from the chair – John Clarke


Seeking a New Paradigm of Matter, Mind and Spirit – Bernard Carr

Aim and Structure of the SMN: a Silent Dog – Frank Parkinson

Humanity’s Collective, Evolution-of-Consciousness Adventure – Martin Lockley and Ryo Morimoto

Compassion and Life’s Challenges – Paul Gilbert

Recent developments in science and medicine  Marilyn Monk

“A theory you can’t explain to a bartender is probably no damn good!” Some thoughts on getting ideas acrossh – John Drew

The Twin Thing – Guy Lyon Playfair


Open Dialogue: ‘Infinite potential: The Legacy of David Bohm’  Vasileios Basios

Sages and Scientists Conference Review: ‘Merging of a New Future’ Carlsbad, California. February 2010 – Sarah Morris

Science and Imagination SMN Annual Gathering – Max Payne

Do we know our own Minds? – Oxford, 6 March 2010  John Clarke


Network News

Book Reviews

Books in Brief – David Lorimer

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