Network Review Winter 1998
Issue No: 68
- How to Understand and Experience Love – Peter Fenwick
- The Right Temporal Lobe and Associated Limbic Lobe Structures as the Biological Interface with an Interconnected Universe – Melvin Morse
- Lessons from the Light: What We Can Learn from the Near-death Experience – Kenneth Ring
- Molecules of Emotion: Martin Redfern interviews Candace Pert – Martin Redfern
- Is there an ‘X Factor’ in Schizophrenic Illness? – Peter K. Chadwick
- Sir William Osler – John Cosh
- On the Freedom of Free Will – Chris Nunn
- Biophotons: our body produces light! – Hugo J. Niggli
- Science, Reality and Transcendent Experience – David Lorimer
- Science and Esoteric Traditions Group – Paul Folca
- Light ’98 Conference – Ann Roden
- Twelfth Continental Members’ Meeting: Cortona, Italy – Doris Jones
Personal Experience
- Adventures in Consciousness – Roy Willis
Cyril Forssander – David Tompsett
- Consciousness in Yoga Philosophy – Lila M. Mallette
- Consciousness, realisation AND research – Roger A. McMaster-Fay
- Epistemology and Hermeneutics – Paul Anderson
Book Reviews
Science and the Philosophy of Science
- Zen and the Brain James H. Austin
- Darwinian Fairy Tales David Stove
- The Ascent of Science Brian L. Silver What Remains to be Discovered John Maddox
- Lifelines Steven Rose
Medicine and Health
- Molecules of Emotion Candace B. Pert The Emotional Brain Joseph LeDoux
- Complementary Medicine: an integrated approach Lewith, Kenyon and Lewis Complementary Medicine: a practical guide Tanvir Jamal
- Rediscovering Real Medicine Jean Elmiger
- Forbidden Medicine Ellen Brown
- Chronobiologie und Chronomedizin Hildebrandt, Moser and Lehofer
Religion and Philosophy
- Conversations with God Neale Donald Walsh
- God, Faith and the New Millenium Keith Ward
- The Feminine Face of God Anderson and Hopkins
- Anam Cara John O’Donohue
Psychology and Consciousness Studies
- Lessons from the Light Ring and Valarino On the Other Side of Life Evelyn Elsaesser Valarino
- Dancing in the Flames Woodman and Dickson
- The Cosmic Game Stanislav Grof
- Body, Mind, Spirit ed Charles Tart
- First Person Plural: multiple personality and the philosophy of mind Stephen E. Braude
Ecology, Economics, Futures Studies
- The End of Work Jeremy Rifkin
- The Hungry Spirit – Beyond Capitalism Charkes Handy
- The Doubly Green Revolution Gordon Conway
- The Masterplan Paradigm or Human Survival and Excellence Singh, Kaur and Singh
- The Soul of Cyberspace Jeff Zaleski
- The Personal World – John Macmurray on Self and Society John MacMurray
Video Reviews
Science/Philosophy of Science
Future Studies/Economics/Ecology