Strengthening Your Resilience in a Time of Crisis
Our afternoon webinar featuring five brilliant Changemakers Books authors taking a deep dive into the nature of resilience is now over… But you can still enjoy these insightful sessions through watching the recordings.
While most people have hunkered down during the pandemic, they have not yet come to terms with the fact that our lives won’t be returning to normal. The future will require much more from us than social distancing and wearing masks.
If we are to become resilient, we must evolve and adapt. Perhaps the most amazing feature of human beings is that we don’t have to wait for our genetic code to mutate – we can evolve by learning from each other. After all, the asteroid that crashed into earth did not destroy the dinosaurs: the survivors evolved into birds.
This premise motivated the creation of an innovative series of ten short books, Resilience…in a Time of Crisis, published by Changemakers Books. Written by experts – most with 30 years’ experience in their fields – the books offer practical, emotional, and spiritual skills to help people survive and thrive in a crisis. All ten books were written and published in the space of five weeks in order to meet this urgent need. This webinar brought together five Resilience authors. Each shared his/her expertise and often deeply personal experience within this area.
Here are the five books and their authors that are featured in these recorded sessions:
Resilience: Adapt and Plan for the New Abnormal of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic by Gleb Tsipursky
COVID-19 has demonstrated clearly that businesses, nonprofits, individuals, and governments are terrible at dealing effectively with large-scale disasters that take the form of slow-moving train-wrecks. Using cutting-edge research in cognitive neuroscience and behavioral economics on dangerous judgment errors (cognitive biases), this book explains why we respond so poorly to such crises and shares research-based strategies for how organizations and individuals can effectively adapt to and plan for the pandemic. Dr. Gleb Tsipursky is a cognitive neuroscientist, behavioral economist and CEO of the consulting, coaching, and training firm Disaster Avoidance Experts.Resilience: Navigating Loss in a Time of Crisis by Jules De Vitto
This book explores the many forms of loss that can happen in times of crisis – ranging from loss of business, financial security, routine, structure to the deeper losses of meaning, purpose or identity. The author draws on her background in transpersonal psychology, integrating spiritual insights and mindfulness practices to take the reader on a journey in which to help them navigate the stages of uncertainty that follow loss. The book provides several practical activities, guided visualization and meditations to cultivate greater resilience, courage and strength and also explores the potential to find greater meaning and purpose through times of crisis. Jules De Vitto works as a transpersonal coach and holistic therapist. She unites psychological and spiritual perspectives offering a balanced, integrative and embodied approach to transformationResilience: Handling Anxiety in a Time of Crisis by George Hofmann
It’s a challenging time for people who experience anxiety, and even people who usually don’t experience it are finding their moods are getting the better of them. Anxiety hits hard and its symptoms are unmistakable, but sometimes in the rush and confusion of uncertainty we miss those symptoms until it’s too late. When things seem to be coming undone, it’s still possible to recognize the onset of anxiety and act to prevent the worst of it. The simple steps taught in this book can help you overcome the turmoil. George Hofmann uses his experience successfully managing bipolar disorder to help others manage difficult moods through his organization Practicing Mental Illness.Resilience: Grow Stronger in a Time of Crisis by Linda Ferguson
Many of us have wondered how we would respond in the midst of a crisis. Some become stronger under pressure. But you are afraid that crisis may bring out your anxiety and your fears. No one knows when things will get better. That’s out of your hands. But you can get better. All it takes is an understanding of how human beings function at their best, the willpower to make small changes in perception and behavior, and a vision for a better future. In this book, you will learn to create the conditions that allow your best self to show up and make a difference – for you and for others. Linda Ferguson has spent more than thirty years coaching people to see new perspectives, ask better questions, and show up more strongly in work and life. She teaches communication at Sheridan College and is the most innovative trainer in NLP (neurolinguistic programming) in Canada.Resilience: The Life-Saving Skill of Story by Michelle Auerbach
Storytelling covers every skill we need in a crisis. We need to share information about how to be safe, how to live together, what to do and not do. We need to talk about what is going on in ways that keep us from freaking out. We need to change our behavior as a human race to save each other and ourselves. We need to imagine a possible future different from the present and work on how to get there. This book will unleash your power to teach, learn, change, soothe, and create community through story. Michelle Auerbach coaches storytelling for organizations. She has published two novels and was the winner of the 2011 Northern Colorado Fiction Prize.