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While Covid-19 has distracted us from wider environmental issues, it has reminded us of our interconnectedness with the web of life and the dangers of our exploitative relationship with the natural world. In this webinar, leading UK environmentalist Jonathon Porritt will discuss the urgency of the challenge of climate change in view of political inertia and systemic short-termism. As solar energy pioneer Hermann Scheer observed: instead of ‘Think Globally, Act Locally’, the reality is ‘Think Globally, Postpone Nationally’. This will no longer measure up if it ever did.
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What if science and academia ‘flipped’ into post-materialism?
Join Jeff Kripal to learn about the dramatic transformations of scientists and academics following a ‘flip’ – a reversal of perspective often born of an extreme, life-changing experience. Jeff’s book gives us a visionary new worldview of the cosmos, human consciousness and their intimate connection.
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What if we listened deeply to the Voice of the Earth?Â
Join First People North American Elders Apela Colorado and Leroy Little Bear for a searching exploration into indigenous understandings of consciousness, thought and language that provide striking contrasts with Western approaches that most of us take for granted.